coollabsio / coolify

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[Bug]: Realtime in Supabase is not working - Coolify overrides a required container_name in docker-compose.yml #2060

Open actraiser opened 2 months ago

actraiser commented 2 months ago


When using realtime in Supabase, the Kong-Container receives the request from the client and tries to connect to realtime-dev.supabase-realtime but cannot resolve this. I can see in the docker-compose-file that there is the correct "container_name" under the realtime-section:

    image: 'supabase/realtime:v2.28.23'
    container_name: realtime-dev.supabase-realtime

But when switching to the "show deployable docker compose" view, this is tranformed to:

    image: 'supabase/realtime:v2.28.23'
    container_name: realtime-dev-q4s4w4k

Maybe the underlying problem is the format of "realtime-dev.supabase-realtime" (with the dot inbetween) and Coolify strips off everything after that dot when transforming? Or coolify checks if the service-name is string-included in the container_name and then uses the former. I don't know - probably something obvious to spot.

Anyway, here is the Kong log when trying to access realtime features via web socket:

2024/04/24 10:25:46 [error] 1193#0: *65269 [lua] init.lua:310: execute(): DNS resolution failed: dns server error: 3 name error. Tried: ["(short)realtime-dev.supabase-realtime:(na) - cache-miss","realtime-dev.supabase-realtime:1 - cache-hit/dns server error: 3 name error","realtime-dev.supabase-realtime:5 - cache-hit/dns server error: 3 name error"], client:, server: kong, request: "GET /realtime/v1/websocket?apikey=<...>&vsn=1.0.0 HTTP/1.1",

So, I believe when Coolify overrides the container-name, the name that kong expects (realtime-dev.supabase-realtime) to handle/proxx the realtime connections does not exist anymore.

Minimal Reproduction (if possible, example repository)

Install Supabase from Server Enable Realtime on any table and subscribe to the table from a client connected to that supabase instance

Exception or Error

Browser will show failed websocket connections, kong will show resolve errors:

2024/04/24 10:25:46 [error] 1193#0: *65269 [lua] init.lua:310: execute(): DNS resolution failed: dns server error: 3 name error. Tried: ["(short)realtime-dev.supabase-realtime:(na) - cache-miss","realtime-dev.supabase-realtime:1 - cache-hit/dns server error: 3 name error","realtime-dev.supabase-realtime:5 - cache-hit/dns server error: 3 name error"], client:, server: kong, request: "GET /realtime/v1/websocket?apikey=<...>&vsn=1.0.0 HTTP/1.1",



r3dm4n commented 2 months ago

Facing same issue

galacoder commented 2 months ago

Facing same issue

Geczy commented 2 months ago

Can you change the container name it looks for by way of environment variable?

actraiser commented 2 months ago

Can you change the container name it looks for by way of environment variable?

The container name can not be edited in the environment variables, not by my knowledge. The correct name is in the docker-compose file, but it is being overriden by Coolify on deployment.

Greets -act

actraiser commented 2 months ago

by the way @andrasbacsai , there have been a couple of changes in the last days in the official Supabase docker-compose.yml that may or may not fix problems with the current Supabase template used in Coolify - like that queries in the SQL Editor will open up an error window and not save the query. Maybe you could update the Template by chance.

Greets -act

Geczy commented 2 months ago

realtime works for me so does supabase sql does the realtime inspector work for you too or no?


r3dm4n commented 2 months ago

It doesn't work for me. I gave it up and am currently using Pocketbase, which does work in realtime

actraiser commented 2 months ago

realtime works for me so does supabase sql does the realtime inspector work for you too or no?

Could you please elaborate step-by-step how you got to a working Supabase (w/realtime) installation?

  1. Which Coolify-Version?
  2. After selecting Supabase as a new Resource from the coolify templates library, what env variables did you change?
  3. Did you change any other settings in the stack (e.g. kong domain might be an obvious case or did you check "connect to pre-defined network", etc)

Please let me know, I will then reinstall the resource from scratch to validate if I can replicate a working installation.

Greets -act

Geczy commented 2 months ago

@actraiser pretty sure i just deployed the latest supabase yaml

i also updated my environment variable


do you have the version from 2 weeks ago? i'm on v265 beta

actraiser commented 2 months ago

On Coolify v270, this unfortunately does not work - I know it worked at some point (maybe back in 265) but I just installed Supabase from scratch only changing the kong domain and and tested with both "connect to predefined network" checked and unchecked. Realtime will not working. Kong can not resolve the Realtime-Endpoint:

2024/04/30 06:13:44 [error] 1185#0: *77997 [lua] init.lua:310: execute(): DNS resolution failed: dns server error: 3 name error. Tried: ["(short)realtime-dev.supabase-realtime:(na) - cache-miss","realtime-dev.supabase-realtime:1 - cache-hit/dns server error: 3 name error","realtime-dev.supabase-realtime:5 - cache-hit/dns server error: 3 name error"], client:, server: kong, request: "GET /realtime/v1/websocket?apikey=<redacted>=1.0.0 HTTP/1.1", host: "<redacted>"

docker-compose in "Edit Docker Compose"-View (notice that the container_name is what Kong is looking for)

    image: 'supabase/realtime:v2.28.23'
    container_name: realtime-dev.supabase-realtime

docker-compose in "Show Deployable Compose"-View (container_name has been renamed by coolify)

    image: 'supabase/realtime:v2.28.23'
    container_name: realtime-dev-vs8coww

I hope @andrasbacsai has figureed out what to change in the docker-compose transformation to make this work again. I believe he posted in a reply on X some days ago, that realtime will be fixed.

Greets -act

Geczy commented 2 months ago

i just deployed latest supabase service using coolify v271

the url is resolved correctly for the realtime websocket

i do have a new issue that is solved with a new supabase commit that we don't have yet

the error is:

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but attempted to connect to the insecure WebSocket endpoint 'ws://'. This request has been blocked; this endpoint must be available over WSS.

Geczy commented 2 months ago

i updated the supabase service yaml here if you want to deploy it yourself it uses the new commits from supabase

i still have the wss issue, but i "solved" it by changing protocol: wss in the yaml. a new error presents itself in my admin dashboard though. but try this

actraiser commented 2 months ago

I am on v270 and I tried your generated template but Kong still cannot resolve the dns to the realtime service when it receives a websocket request. A quick way to test it without a front end application is to call the url :

which in my case returns the Kong-Error-Response from trying to resolve a realtime connection:

"message": "name resolution failed"

Kong's docker logs keep showing what I have already posted twice: DNS resolution failed: dns server error: 3 name error. Tried: ["(short)realtime-dev.supabase-realtime

Maybe its a completely different manner? I have "Connect to Predefined Network" checked in the Supabase stack, but I also tried it with de-selecting that option and connecting my client container manually into the SB stack network. This did NOT fix the realtime error. Could it be any other global Coolify setting? But then again, afair I did not customized anything other than setting my Coolify instance domain name.

I am sure it's something trivial but I can't figure it out. What is so frustrating, is, that it worked a couple of weeks ago and I am not sure what changed ever since.

Greets -act

actraiser commented 2 months ago

A solution that worked for me

cd /data/coolify/services/<resource_id_supabase_stack>/volumes/api
nano kong.yml

There I replaced "realtime-dev.supabase-realtime" with just 'realtime-dev', so it now looks like this:

  - name: realtime-v1
    _comment: 'Realtime: /realtime/v1/* -> wss://realtime-dev:4000/socket/*'
    url: http://realtime-dev:4000/socket/
      - name: realtime-v1-all
          - /realtime/v1/

After hitting "Pull latest Images & Restart" in Coolify - Realtime in Supabase works now!

CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 12 45 03

I believe the underlying problem is still how Coolify deploys the docker-compose files and changes the container_name. The container name of service realtime_dev is supposed to be "realtime-dev.supabase-realtime" but as explained a couple of times, coolify changes it to "realtime-dev-[some-id]" - yet kong.yml is configured to proxy realtime to "realtime-dev.supabase-realtime" which does not exist then.

I would say, this is a bug with how Coolify treats the container_name fields of docker-compose files on deployment. What do you think @andrasbacsai ? I am not familiar enough with the internal workings to know for sure

Greets -act

Geczy commented 2 months ago

can't you do that in the kong.yml we bind here?

actraiser commented 2 months ago

Oh yes, good catch - that is an even better place to implement the workaround fix.

Greets -act

Geczy commented 2 months ago

I am on v270 and I tried your generated template but Kong still cannot resolve the dns to the realtime service when it receives a websocket request. A quick way to test it without a front end application is to call the url :

i also get this error when hitting that endpoint, so maybe my realtime never worked afterall?

  "message": "name resolution failed"

if you go to /project/default/realtime/inspector can you subscribe to a channel? after some time i'm getting these errors:

CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 10 05 51@2x

  "channel": "3",
  "extension": "postgres_changes",
  "message": "Subscribing to PostgreSQL failed: {:error, \"Subscription insert failed with 0 rows. Check that tables are part of publication supabase_realtime and subscription params are correct: %{\\\"event\\\" => \\\"*\\\", \\\"schema\\\" => \\\"public\\\", \\\"table\\\" => \\\"*\\\"}\"}",
  "status": "error"

And accessing the realtime url i get HTTP ERROR 426

426 is not even in their list

EDIT: ^^^ after adding a table to my database (where no tables existed), i'm now able to successfully subscribe to realtime changes via wss

CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 10 24 09@2x

however, the url you provided is still HTTP 426

some info reveals:

wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 426 Upgrade Required

so it looks like it's a protocol issue. now i'm trying this diff, confirmed the realtime inspector still works, it's grabbing wss successfully, despite setting protocol to ws

perhaps only websockets are supported, no more rest/http in supabase?

based on their readme, i don't even see http to be offered:

nothing in their code suggests http is valid:

so in the end, these are the changes that work for me based on the new docker-compose file. and i updated my gist to reflect that, as well as the PR i have open #2101

596eaa7 (#2101)

actraiser commented 2 months ago

Sorry, I was not clear enough about the http-call - i just used it to quickly validate if Kong returns a 503 (name resolution failed in that case) or a 426 (can reach realtime server but does not authorize). Websocket is the only way to subscribe to Supabase realtime.

Greets -act

znowfox commented 1 month ago

lezgo andras !