coolrahul1850 / codepathIntroductoryAndroidProjectTodoItems

Pre-requisite for codepath android for developers. This is the introductory Android Project
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[Android Bootcamp] Project 1 - Review my Todo App #1

Open coolrahul1850 opened 8 years ago

coolrahul1850 commented 8 years ago

My app is complete, please review. Also, I have a question about X, is that the right approach? /cc @codepathreview @codepath

nesquena commented 8 years ago


Thanks for applying and submitting your pre-work. Based on your LinkedIn it is unclear if you meet the selection criteria for participating in the course. In particular:

Can you review that and let me know if you can confirm that you meet the requirements? If not, I can add you as a "remote self-paced observer" so you can still have access to the curriculum and learn at your pace. In the meantime, you should also check out the resources we provide here.

coolrahul1850 commented 8 years ago

Hey Nathan,

Thanks for reaching out to me and let me try to clarify your concerns. I have addressed each concern below with comments, if you still have pending or follow questions on below, please say so and I will try my best to address them. Also, if you would like we could have a quick discussion over phone.

nesquena commented 8 years ago


Thanks for clarification, as you mentioned it does appear you are eligible to participate in the program. Sorry for the confusion.

Your basic project looks good, this exercise is intended in part to give you an introduction to the general rhythm of this course. The course is entirely project based with an app being assigned each week and then due the following week. Each project builds on the last to help each engineer to learn all practical Android development and best practices as quickly as possible. We also do a code review for each submitted project.

The next step is to continue working on extensions to your todo app and to schedule a short 10 minute phone conversation with us. Navigate to today's date and onward from there and choose a 15-minute slot. Let us know if none of those times work.

With regards to extensions to implement, we are looking for developers with an interest in user experience and product development so be sure to focus on additional functional enhancements and/or improving the user interface of the app.

Once you select a slot, can you make sure to include best number to reach you at to the invite? Look forward to chatting soon!

coolrahul1850 commented 8 years ago

Thanks, have scheduled a time accordingly with the best number to reach me at. I have already started extending my todo app with the suggestions suggested. I will post an updated GIF as and when i push new changes.

Looking forward to chatting soon.

coolrahul1850 commented 8 years ago

Hey there,

As suggested i have modified the App. Here are the highlights of my changes

Functionality Added 1) Custom Adapter 2) Radio Buttons 3) Priority 4) Alert dialogs

Functionality Lost 1) Persistence

Next action items 1) Work on persistence 2) Either work on SQLLite or improve UI


nesquena commented 8 years ago

Great to see you were able to augment your app with a few more extension tasks now. As mentioned earlier, the extension tasks available on each project are often the most valuable learnings since they dive deeper into common real-world Android use cases.

Next, after review, I noticed your source code is not adhering to certain key naming conventions. In addition, the java files could greatly benefit from being organized into subpackages. Can you take a look at this guide on code best practices to cleanup the source code?

In addition:

Ping me back here when ready for a followup.

coolrahul1850 commented 8 years ago

Thanks Nathan for the feedback.

I was having issues with my current project to use SQL Lite, so i create a new repository. Its link is (revised code will be found in the new repository)

The UI still needs tons of improvement, can you please guide me to some resources? thanks,

I have made the following enhancements in Todo2.0 Items implemented 1) Basic Todo App (Add, Delete and Edit Item) 2) Persistence by SQLite 3) Implemented Custom Adapter 4) Added Priority Date 5) Added alert boxes 6) Cleaned the project to follow naming and package naming standards

Enhancements 1) [Major] Need to update the UI to be more friendly


coolrahul1850 commented 8 years ago

thanks for the UI resources, i made modified the UI to be more presentable. Again code for this will be presented here

nesquena commented 8 years ago

Great to see you were able to augment your app to cleanup the user experience. As mentioned earlier, the extension tasks available on each project are often the most valuable learnings since they dive deeper into common real-world Android use cases.

We'll be in touch with you again soon via email. Let me know if you have any questions about the project or anything in the meantime.

coolrahul1850 commented 8 years ago

Hey Nathan,

completely agree on your statement about the extension tasks.

Will be waiting for further communication.
