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OpenWrt 编译教程及 LuCI -> Applications 添加插件应用说明 update -2019.12.21 #2415

Closed YunFenLei closed 4 years ago

YunFenLei commented 4 years ago
APP 名称 释义
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-accesscontrol # 访问时间控制
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-adblock #ADB 广告过滤
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-adbyby-plus # 广告屏蔽大师 Plus +
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-adbyby # 广告过滤大师(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-adkill # 广告过滤(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-advanced-reboot #Linksys 高级重启
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ahcp # 支持 AHCPd
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-aliddns # 阿里 DDNS 客户端(已弃,集成至 ddns)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-amule #aMule 下载工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-aria2 # Aria2 下载工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-arpbind #IP/MAC 绑定
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-asterisk # 支持 Asterisk 电话服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-attendedsysupgrade # 固件更新升级相关
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-autoreboot # 支持计划重启
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-baidupcs-web # 百度网盘管理 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-bcp38 #BCP38 网络入口过滤(不确定)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-birdl-ipv4 # 对 Birdl-ipv6 的支持 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-birdl-ipv6 # 对 Birdl-ipv4 的支持 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-bird4 #Bird 4(未知)(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-bird6 #Bird 6(未知)(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-bmx6 #BMX6 路由协议
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-bmx7 #BMX7 路由协议
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-caldav # 联系人(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-cifsd # 网络共享 CIFS/SMB 服务器 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-cjdns # 加密 IPV6 网络相关
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-clamav #ClamAV 杀毒软件
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-commands #Shell 命令模块
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-cshark #CloudShark 捕获工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ddns # 动态域名 DNS(集成阿里 DDNS 客户端)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-diag-core #core 诊断工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-dnscrypt-proxy #DNSCrypt 解决 DNS 污染
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-dnsforwarder #DNSForwarder 防 DNS 污染
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-dnspod #DNSPod
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-docker #Docker 容器 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-dump1090 # 民航无线频率(不确定)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-dynapoint #DynaPoint(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-e2guardian #Web 内容过滤器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-familycloud # 家庭云盘
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-filetransfer # 文件传输(可 web 安装 ipk 包)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-firewall # 添加防火墙
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-flowoffload #Turbo ACC 网络加速(集成 FLOW,BBR,NAT,DNS...
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-freifunk-diagnostics #freifunk 组件 诊断(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-freifunk-policyrouting #freifunk 组件 策略路由(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-freifunk-widgets #freifunk 组件 索引(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-frpc # 内网穿透 Frp
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-fwknopd #Firewall Knock Operator 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-guest-wifi #WiFi 访客网络
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-gfwlist #GFW 域名列表(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-haproxy-tcp #HAProxy 负载均衡 - TCP
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-hd-idle # 硬盘休眠
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-hnet #Homenet Status 家庭网络控制协议
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ipsec-virtual**d #virtual** 服务器 IPSec
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-kodexplorer #KOD 可道云私人网盘
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-kooldns #virtual** 服务器 ddns 替代方案(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-koolproxy #KP 去广告(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-lxc #LXC 容器管理
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-meshwizard #网络设置向导
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-minidlna # 完全兼容 DLNA / UPnP-AV 客户端的服务器软件
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mjpg-streamer # 兼容 Linux-UVC 的摄像头程序
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mtwifi #MTWiFi 驱动的支持 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mmc-over-gpio # 添加 SD 卡操作界面(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-multiwan # 多拨虚拟网卡(已弃,移至 syncdial)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mwan #MWAN 负载均衡(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mwan3 #MWAN3 负载均衡
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mwan3helper #MWAN3 分流助手
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-n2n_v2 #N2N 内网穿透 N2N v2 virtual** 服务
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-netdata #Netdata 实时监控(图表) *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-nft-qos #QOS 流控 Nftables 版
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ngrokc #Ngrok 内网穿透(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-nlbwmon # 网络带宽监视器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-noddos #NodDOS Clients 阻止 DDoS 攻击
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-nps # 内网穿透 nps *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ntpc #NTP 时间同步服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ocserv #OpenConnect virtual** 服务
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-olsr #OLSR 配置和状态模块
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-olsr-services #OLSR 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-olsr-viz #OLSR 可视化
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-openvirtual** #Openvirtual** 客户端
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-openvirtual**-server # 易于使用的 Openvirtual** 服务器 Web-UI
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-oscam #OSCAM 服务器(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-p910nd # 打印服务器模块
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-pagekitec #Pagekite 内网穿透客户端
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-polipo #Polipo 代理 (是一个小型且快速的网页缓存代理)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-pppoe-relay #PPPoE NAT 穿透 点对点协议(PPP)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-p p t p-server #virtual** 服务器 p p t p
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-privoxy #Privoxy 网络代理 (带过滤无缓存)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-qbittorrent #BT 下载工具(qBittorrent)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-qos # 流量服务质量 (QoS) 流控
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-radicale #CalDAV/CardDAV 同步工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ramfree # 释放内存
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-rp-pppoe-server #Roaring Penguin PPPoE Server 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-samba # 网络共享(Samba)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-samba4 # 网络共享(Samba4)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-sfe #Turbo ACC 网络加速(已弃,移至 flowoffload)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-s-s #SS 兲朝上网(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-s-s-libes #SS-libev 服务端
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-shairplay # 支持 AirPlay 功能
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-siitwizard #SIIT 配置向导 SIIT-Wizzard
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-simple-adblock # 简单的广告拦截
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-softethervirtual** #SoftEther virtual* 服务器 NAT 穿透
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-splash #Client-Splash 是无线 MESH 网络的一个热点认证系统
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-sqm # 流量智能队列管理(QOS)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-squid #Squid 代理服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus # 乳酸菌饮料兲朝上网 Plus+
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include s-s New Versiong # 新 SS 代理
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include v2 瑞 #v2 瑞透明代理
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include Trojan #Trojan 代理 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include Kcptun #Kcptun 代理
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include 违禁软件 Server # 乳酸菌饮料服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include 违禁软件 Socks and Tunnel # 乳酸菌饮料代理
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - pro # 乳酸菌饮料 - Pro(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 server-python # 违禁软件 Python 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-statistics # 流量监控工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-syncdial # 多拨虚拟网卡(原 macvlan)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-tinyproxy #Tinyproxy 是 HTTP (S) 代理服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-transmission #BT 下载工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-travelmate # 旅行路由器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ttyd # 网页终端命令行
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-udpxy #udpxy 做组播服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-uhttpd #uHTTPd Web 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-unblockmusic # 解锁网易云灰色歌曲
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-unbound #Unbound DNS 解析器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-upnp # 通用即插即用 UPnP(端口自动转发)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-usb-printer #USB 打印服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-v2 瑞 - server #v2 瑞 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-v2 瑞 - pro #v2 瑞透明代理(已弃,集成乳酸菌饮料)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-verysync # 微力同步 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-vlmcsd #KMS 服务器设置
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-vnstat #vnStat 网络监控(图表)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-virtual**bypass #virtual BypassWebUI 绕过 virtual 设置
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-vsftpd #FTP 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-watchcat # 断网检测功能与定时重启
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-webadmin #Web 管理页面设置
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-webshell # 网页命令行终端(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-wifischedule #WiFi 计划
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-wireguard #virtual** 服务器 WireGuard 状态
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-wirele 违禁软件 egdb #WiFi 无线
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-wol #WOL 网络唤醒
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-wrtbwmon # 实时流量监测
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-xlnetacc # 迅雷快鸟
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-zerotier #ZeroTier 内网穿透

支持 iPv6: 1、Extra packages ---> ipv6helper (选定这个后下面几项自动选择了)

Network ---> odhcp6c Network ---> odhcpd-ipv6only LuCI ---> Protocols ---> luci-proto-ipv6 LuCI ---> Protocols ---> luci-proto-ppp

2、打开适用于 VMware 的 VM Tools Utilities ---> open-vm-tools

以下是个性设置:基于 WR703N
在如下位置新建一个文件,文件名为 01onoff
[ "$BUTTON" = "wps" ]&& [ "$ACTION" = "pressed" ] && {
SW=$(uci get wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled)
[ $SW == '0' ] && uci setwireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=1
[ $SW == '0' ] || uci setwireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=0
保存后设置权限为 0777
在终端下进入 button 文件夹,然后执行 chmod 777 –R 01onoff 命令
进入文件夹命令为 cd target/linux/ar71xx… ,最前面的路径前没有‘/’符号!
2.添加 3322 DDNS 动态域名解析
"" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]
config service "myddns"
option enabled "1"
option service_name ""
option domain ""
config 'rule'
option 'target''ACCEPT'
option '_name' 'tr'
option 'src' 'wan'
option 'proto''tcpudp'
option 'dest_port''51413'
config 'rule'
option 'target''ACCEPT'
option '_name''9091'
option 'src' 'wan'
option 'proto' 'tcp'
option 'dest_port''9091'
config wifi-device radio$devidx
option type mac80211
option channel ${channel}
option macaddr $(cat/sys/class/ieee80211/${dev}/macaddress)
option hwmode 11${mode_11n}${mode_band}
option disabled 0
option txpower 17
option htmode HT40-
option noscan 1
option country CN
config wifi-iface
option device radio$devidx
option network lan
option mode ap
option ssid OpenWrt_$(cat/sys/class/ieee80211/${dev}/macaddress|tr "[a-z]""[A-Z]"|sed 
's/://g'|cut -c7-12)
option encryption psk2 --------------------加密方式 ( option encryption none 无密
option key xxxxxxxx ----------------------密码 (8 位) xxxxxxxx
devidx=$(($devidx + 1))
config system
option hostname OpenWrt
option zonename Asia/Shanghai
option timezone CST-8
6.默认启动 DHCP(703n 用来当二级路由)
config dhcp lan
option interface lan
option start 100
option limit 150
option leasetime 12h
option ignore 0 -----------------添加这个
7.修改 Transmission 配置文件
option rpc_authentication_required true
option umask 0
8.修改 network 配置,配置成二级路由
# Copyright (C) 2006
config interface loopback
option ifname lo
option proto static
option ipaddr
option netmask
config interface lan
option type bridge
option proto static
option ipaddr
option netmask
config interface wan
option ifname eth0
option _orig_ifname eth0
option _orig_bridge false
option proto dhcp
9. 添加利用 reset 键的一键切换路由工作模式
在如下位置新建 4 个文件,在保存后,请修改权限为 777 
do_button () {
local button
local action
local handler
local min
local max
config_get button $1 button
config_get action $1 action
config_get handler $1 handler
config_get min $1 min
config_get max $1 max
[ "$ACTION" = "$action" -a "$BUTTON" = "$button" -a -n "$handler" ] && {
[ -z "$min" -o -z "$max" ] && eval $handler
[ -n "$min" -a -n "$max" ] && {
[ $min -le $SEEN -a $max -ge $SEEN ] && eval $handler
config_load system
config_foreach do_button button
uci delete network.wan
uci delete network.lan
uci set network.lan=interface
uci set network.lan.ifname=eth0
uci set network.lan.type=bridge
uci set network.lan.proto=static
uci set network.lan.ipaddr=
uci set network.lan.netmask=
uci set network.lan.gateway=
uci set network.lan.dns=
uci commit network
uci set dhcp.lan.ignore=1
uci commit dhcp
uci delete network.wan
uci delete network.lan
uci set network.lan=interface
uci set network.lan.type=bridge
uci set network.lan.proto=static
uci set network.lan.ipaddr=
uci set network.lan.netmask=
uci set network.wan=interface
uci set network.wan.ifname=eth0
uci set network.wan.proto=dhcp
uci set network.wan._orig_ifname=eth0
uci set network.wan._orig_bridge=false
uci commit network
uci delete dhcp.lan.ignore
uci commit dhcp
uci delete network.wan
uci delete network.lan
uci set network.lan=interface
uci set network.lan.ifname=eth0
uci set network.lan.type=bridge
uci set network.lan.proto=static
uci set network.lan.ipaddr=
uci set network.lan.netmask=
uci set network.wan=interface
uci set network.wan.ifname=ppp0
uci set network.wan.proto=3g
uci set network.wan.maxwait=0
uci set network.wan.service=evdo
uci set network.wan.device=/dev/ttyUSB0
uci set
uci set
uci set
uci commit network
uci delete dhcp.lan.ignore
uci commit dhcp
config button
option button 'reset'
option action 'released'
option handler '/etc/hotplug.d/button/change23g'
option min '0'
option max '2'
config button
option button 'reset'
option action 'released'
option handler '/etc/hotplug.d/button/change2ap'
option min '3'
option max '8'
config button
option button 'reset'
option action 'released'
option handler '/etc/hotplug.d/button/change2dhcp'
option min '9'
option max '99'
这样以后按住 reset 2 秒内, 3-8 秒 和 9 秒以上,会自动切换到对应的网络配置,并自动重启路由器。
按住 reset0-2 秒放开,切换到 3g 配置,
按住 reset3-8 秒放开,切换到 ap 模式,
reset 9 秒以上放开,切换到二级路由 dhcp 模式。
10. 修改挂载点
修改 10-swap, 20-fsck, 40-mount 的权限为 777 
11.添加对中文编码 cp936 的支持,openwrt 实际上是支持 cp936 的,只是没开放而已
修改文件 openwrt/trunk/package/kernel/modules/
define KernelPackage/nls-cp936
 SUBMENU:=Native Language Support
 TITLE:=Codepage 936 (China)
 AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,25,nls_cp936)
 $(call AddDepends/nls)
define KernelPackage/nls-cp936/description
 Kernel module for NLS Codepage 936 (Chinese)
$(eval $(call KernelPackage,nls-cp936))
保存,这样在以后执行 make menuconfig 时,
在 Kernel modules ---> Native Language Support 下面会多一个
< > kmod-nls-cp936................ Codepage 936 (china) (NEW) 
12. 8m 固件支持(新版本)
tools/firmware-utils/src/mktplinkfw.c 中代码:
static struct flash_layout layouts[] = {
.id = "4M",
.fw_max_len = 0x3c0000,
.kernel_la = 0x80060000,
.kernel_ep = 0x80060000,
.rootfs_ofs = 0x140000,
}, {
.id = "4Mlzma",
.fw_max_len = 0x3c0000,
.kernel_la = 0x80060000,
.kernel_ep = 0x80060000,
.rootfs_ofs = 0x100000,
}, {
.id = "8M",
.fw_max_len = 0x7c0000,
.kernel_la = 0x80060000,
.kernel_ep = 0x80060000,
.rootfs_ofs = 0x140000,
}, {
.id = "8Mlzma",
.fw_max_len = 0x7c0000,
.kernel_la = 0x80060000,
.kernel_ep = 0x80060000,
.rootfs_ofs = 0x100000,
}, {
/* terminating entry */
static struct board_info boards[] = {
}, {
.id = "TL-WR703Nv1",
.hw_id = HWID_TL_WR703N_V1,
.hw_rev = 1,
.layout_id = "4Mlzma", //只改此, 8Mlzma
}, {
13. Luci 主题修改 
编辑 ./feeds/luci/modules/luci-base/root/etc/config/luci 
默认主题:option mediaurlbase /luci-static/bootstrap 
默认语言:option lang zh-cn 

14. Luci 页面文字修改 
编辑 ./feeds/luci/modules/luci-base/po/zh-cn/base.po 


1. 不要用 root 用户 git 和编译!!!
2. 国内用户编译前最好准备好梯子
3. 默认登陆IP, 密码 password


1. 首先装好 Ubuntu 64bit,推荐  Ubuntu  14 LTS x64

2. 命令行输入 sudo apt-get update ,然后输入
sudo apt-get install build-essential asciidoc binutils bzip2 gawk gettext git libncurses5-dev libz-dev patch unzip zlib1g-dev lib32gcc1 libc6-dev-i386 subversion flex uglifyjs git-core gcc-multilib p7zip p7zip-full msmtp libssl-dev texinfo libglib2.0-dev xmlto qemu-utils 

3. git clone 命令下载好源代码,然后 cd lede 进入目录

4. ./scripts/feeds update -a 
   ./scripts/feeds install -a
   make menuconfig 

5. 最后选好你要的路由,输入 make -j1 V=s (-j1后面是线程数。第一次编译推荐用单线程,国内请尽量全局科学上网)即可开始编译你要的固件了。

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openssh-serve open-vm-tools-desktop -y
sudo reboot

cd lede                                                          进入LEDE目录
git pull                                                         同步更新大雕源码
./scripts/feeds update -a && ./scripts/feeds install -a          更新FEEDS
rm -rf ./tmp && rm -rf .config                                   清除编译配置和缓存
make menuconfig                                                  进入编译配置菜单
make -jn V=s                                                     n=线程数+1,例如4线程的I5填-j5,开始编译


链接: 密码: mjdl


WINSCP上传dl.tgz放进/home/mj 目录下,右键-文件自定义命令-Untar/Gzip,直接回车,解压出DL文件夹后,执行以下命令
ln -s /home/mj/dl /home/mj/lede                                 如果存在/home/mj/lede/dl目录,请删除

WINSCP上传lean.tgz放进/home/mj 目录下,右键-文件自定义命令-Untar/Gzip,直接回车,解压出lean文件夹后,执行以下命令
ln -s /home/mj/lean /home/mj/lede/package/openwrt-packages


git log                        查看源码更新日志
git reset --hard HEAD^         回退到上个版本
git reset --hard HEAD~3        回退到前3次提交之前,以此类推,回退到n次提交之前
git reset --hard commit_id     退到/进到 指定commit的sha码(可到大雕源码地址直接查询)

files大法:就是把你 改好的配置 直接编译进固件
eallion commented 4 years ago

好是好,可是能不能改下格式啊,h2 看着眼睛累。。。

MxCen commented 4 years ago

好是好,可是能不能改下格式啊,h2 看着眼睛累。。。 +1

KFERMercer commented 4 years ago
建议 使用
Markdown 表格
重制 下.
eallion commented 4 years ago

为方便新手编译及学习,特整理一下 applications 相关应用说明。


APP 名称 释义
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-accesscontrol # 访问时间控制
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-adblock #ADB 广告过滤
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-adbyby-plus # 广告屏蔽大师 Plus +
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-adbyby # 广告过滤大师(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-adkill # 广告过滤(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-advanced-reboot #Linksys 高级重启
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ahcp # 支持 AHCPd
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-aliddns # 阿里 DDNS 客户端(已弃,集成至 ddns)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-amule #aMule 下载工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-aria2 # Aria2 下载工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-arpbind #IP/MAC 绑定
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-asterisk # 支持 Asterisk 电话服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-attendedsysupgrade # 固件更新升级相关
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-autoreboot # 支持计划重启
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-baidupcs-web # 百度网盘管理 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-bcp38 #BCP38 网络入口过滤(不确定)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-birdl-ipv4 # 对 Birdl-ipv6 的支持 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-birdl-ipv6 # 对 Birdl-ipv4 的支持 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-bird4 #Bird 4(未知)(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-bird6 #Bird 6(未知)(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-bmx6 #BMX6 路由协议
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-bmx7 #BMX7 路由协议
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-caldav # 联系人(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-cifsd # 网络共享 CIFS/SMB 服务器 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-cjdns # 加密 IPV6 网络相关
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-clamav #ClamAV 杀毒软件
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-commands #Shell 命令模块
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-cshark #CloudShark 捕获工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ddns # 动态域名 DNS(集成阿里 DDNS 客户端)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-diag-core #core 诊断工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-dnscrypt-proxy #DNSCrypt 解决 DNS 污染
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-dnsforwarder #DNSForwarder 防 DNS 污染
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-dnspod #DNSPod
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-docker #Docker 容器 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-dump1090 # 民航无线频率(不确定)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-dynapoint #DynaPoint(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-e2guardian #Web 内容过滤器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-familycloud # 家庭云盘
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-filetransfer # 文件传输(可 web 安装 ipk 包)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-firewall # 添加防火墙
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-flowoffload #Turbo ACC 网络加速(集成 FLOW,BBR,NAT,DNS...
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-freifunk-diagnostics #freifunk 组件 诊断(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-freifunk-policyrouting #freifunk 组件 策略路由(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-freifunk-widgets #freifunk 组件 索引(未知)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-frpc # 内网穿透 Frp
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-fwknopd #Firewall Knock Operator 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-guest-wifi #WiFi 访客网络
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-gfwlist #GFW 域名列表(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-haproxy-tcp #HAProxy 负载均衡 - TCP
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-hd-idle # 硬盘休眠
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-hnet #Homenet Status 家庭网络控制协议
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ipsec-virtual**d #virtual** 服务器 IPSec
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-kodexplorer #KOD 可道云私人网盘
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-kooldns #virtual** 服务器 ddns 替代方案(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-koolproxy #KP 去广告(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-lxc #LXC 容器管理
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-meshwizard #网络设置向导
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-minidlna # 完全兼容 DLNA / UPnP-AV 客户端的服务器软件
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mjpg-streamer # 兼容 Linux-UVC 的摄像头程序
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mtwifi #MTWiFi 驱动的支持 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mmc-over-gpio # 添加 SD 卡操作界面(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-multiwan # 多拨虚拟网卡(已弃,移至 syncdial)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mwan #MWAN 负载均衡(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mwan3 #MWAN3 负载均衡
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-mwan3helper #MWAN3 分流助手
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-n2n_v2 #N2N 内网穿透 N2N v2 virtual** 服务
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-netdata #Netdata 实时监控(图表) *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-nft-qos #QOS 流控 Nftables 版
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ngrokc #Ngrok 内网穿透(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-nlbwmon # 网络带宽监视器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-noddos #NodDOS Clients 阻止 DDoS 攻击
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-nps # 内网穿透 nps *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ntpc #NTP 时间同步服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ocserv #OpenConnect virtual** 服务
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-olsr #OLSR 配置和状态模块
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-olsr-services #OLSR 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-olsr-viz #OLSR 可视化
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-openvirtual** #Openvirtual** 客户端
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-openvirtual**-server # 易于使用的 Openvirtual** 服务器 Web-UI
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-oscam #OSCAM 服务器(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-p910nd # 打印服务器模块
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-pagekitec #Pagekite 内网穿透客户端
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-polipo #Polipo 代理 (是一个小型且快速的网页缓存代理)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-pppoe-relay #PPPoE NAT 穿透 点对点协议(PPP)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-p p t p-server #virtual** 服务器 p p t p
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-privoxy #Privoxy 网络代理 (带过滤无缓存)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-qbittorrent #BT 下载工具(qBittorrent)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-qos # 流量服务质量 (QoS) 流控
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-radicale #CalDAV/CardDAV 同步工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ramfree # 释放内存
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-rp-pppoe-server #Roaring Penguin PPPoE Server 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-samba # 网络共享(Samba)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-samba4 # 网络共享(Samba4)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-sfe #Turbo ACC 网络加速(已弃,移至 flowoffload)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-s-s #SS 兲朝上网(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-s-s-libes #SS-libev 服务端
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-shairplay # 支持 AirPlay 功能
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-siitwizard #SIIT 配置向导 SIIT-Wizzard
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-simple-adblock # 简单的广告拦截
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-softethervirtual** #SoftEther virtual* 服务器 NAT 穿透
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-splash #Client-Splash 是无线 MESH 网络的一个热点认证系统
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-sqm # 流量智能队列管理(QOS)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-squid #Squid 代理服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus # 乳酸菌饮料兲朝上网 Plus+
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include s-s New Versiong # 新 SS 代理
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include v2 瑞 #v2 瑞透明代理
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include Trojan #Trojan 代理 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include Kcptun #Kcptun 代理
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include 违禁软件 Server # 乳酸菌饮料服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - plus ---> Include 违禁软件 Socks and Tunnel # 乳酸菌饮料代理
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 - pro # 乳酸菌饮料 - Pro(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app - 乳酸菌饮料 server-python # 违禁软件 Python 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-statistics # 流量监控工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-syncdial # 多拨虚拟网卡(原 macvlan)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-tinyproxy #Tinyproxy 是 HTTP (S) 代理服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-transmission #BT 下载工具
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-travelmate # 旅行路由器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-ttyd # 网页终端命令行
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-udpxy #udpxy 做组播服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-uhttpd #uHTTPd Web 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-unblockmusic # 解锁网易云灰色歌曲
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-unbound #Unbound DNS 解析器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-upnp # 通用即插即用 UPnP(端口自动转发)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-usb-printer #USB 打印服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-v2 瑞 - server #v2 瑞 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-v2 瑞 - pro #v2 瑞透明代理(已弃,集成乳酸菌饮料)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-verysync # 微力同步 *
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-vlmcsd #KMS 服务器设置
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-vnstat #vnStat 网络监控(图表)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-virtual**bypass #virtual BypassWebUI 绕过 virtual 设置
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-vsftpd #FTP 服务器
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-watchcat # 断网检测功能与定时重启
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-webadmin #Web 管理页面设置
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-webshell # 网页命令行终端(已弃)
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-wifischedule #WiFi 计划
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-wireguard #virtual** 服务器 WireGuard 状态
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-wirele 违禁软件 egdb #WiFi 无线
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-wol #WOL 网络唤醒
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-wrtbwmon # 实时流量监测
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-xlnetacc # 迅雷快鸟
LuCI ---> Applications luci-app-zerotier #ZeroTier 内网穿透

支持 iPv6: 1、Extra packages ---> ipv6helper (选定这个后下面几项自动选择了)

Network ---> odhcp6c
Network ---> odhcpd-ipv6only
LuCI ---> Protocols ---> luci-proto-ipv6
LuCI ---> Protocols ---> luci-proto-ppp

2、打开适用于 VMware 的 VM Tools Utilities --->open-vm-tools

mrclock commented 4 years ago

luci-app-meshwizard 这个是怎么玩的呢,我装了这个,从来没在界面里找到过。

segadrive commented 4 years ago


mgsqz commented 4 years ago


liasica commented 4 years ago


mjoep commented 4 years ago


shu0802 commented 4 years ago


danshui-git commented 4 years ago

请问大神们,如果我要把插件改分类,如何改呢?比如luci-app-v2 瑞编译出来默认在V/P/N项上的,我把它改到服务项上可以吗?

HUiTHEME commented 3 years ago

luci-app-nlbwmon 和 luci-app-wrtbwmon 什么区别?

yoyojacky commented 3 years ago

请问,这个 怎么添加进去?