coolstar / Odyssey-bootstrap

Chimera bootstrap
108 stars 40 forks source link

Three quick questions about `` #47

Open manrand opened 1 year ago

manrand commented 1 year ago


1) Is the update/upgrade part of the script required? To succeed it needs internet access while the device is vulnerable (using default "alpine" passwd)

NOTE: in my case I did not have Wifi enabled and these parts of the script failed. However launching Sileo worked and it did want to update lots of things

2) Any reason why libhooker is not installed by the script itself? It seems to be required as per:

3) Do you have any suggestions to run this script with a secured device? i.e. after changing the default passwd? After changing the default passwd the scp and ssh commands do not accept the new passwd


FreQRiDeR commented 1 year ago

apt-get update requires internet. Nowhere does the script input default password, only prints 'Default password Alpine' reminder.