coolzilj / Blender-ControlNet

Using ControlNet right in Blender.
MIT License
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Controlnet not working on Stable Diffusion Forge: module: "none" should be module: "None" #32

Open peterkaptein opened 1 month ago

peterkaptein commented 1 month ago

This is more a feedback.

First: thanks for your script. I think it is awesome!

As --I think-- it depends per API and version of Automatic1111 or Forge, "module":"none" should either be capitalized or not to avoid the script to fail.

In the script I would add two remarks:

"module": "none", # "module": "None" in case you get the error:"TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable" "model": "diff_control_sd15_canny_fp16 [ea6e3b9c]", # Use http://localhost:7860/docs#/default/model_list_controlnet_model_list_get to get a correct list of all models