1) Create or reuse existing Mixpanel login. Send robin900 the email address for the login.
2) I will add that email to the sample project for account "Mixpanel Query PyPI" on Mixpanel. There are already events seeded for Jun 22, 2015.
3) Create a branch to hold my pull request. Send me the branch name.
4) I will create a PR to that new branch. Once you merge the PR, you will need to encrypt the project's API and secret using travis.
5) Create a travis-ci.org account (free for public github repos). Sync it with your github info.
6) From your project checkout of the new branch, re-encrypt the API and secret using your new travis keys. "gem install travis" to get the travis tool. then:
Also, once you have a travis-ci account, you can change the markdown in README.md near the top to reference your own account for the travis-ci status badge.
1) Create or reuse existing Mixpanel login. Send robin900 the email address for the login.
2) I will add that email to the sample project for account "Mixpanel Query PyPI" on Mixpanel. There are already events seeded for Jun 22, 2015.
3) Create a branch to hold my pull request. Send me the branch name.
4) I will create a PR to that new branch. Once you merge the PR, you will need to encrypt the project's API and secret using travis.
5) Create a travis-ci.org account (free for public github repos). Sync it with your github info.
6) From your project checkout of the new branch, re-encrypt the API and secret using your new travis keys. "gem install travis" to get the travis tool. then:
then git add .travis.yml, commit, and push. You should see your build on travis-ci.org complete successfully.
You will need the API key and secret from me in order to run travis encrypt command, which I can send to you out of band.