cooolgamorg / Starlight3DS

Luma3DS Custom Firmware with more features!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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*ADDING FEATURE* plugin selector. #8

Closed gvvq closed 2 months ago

gvvq commented 3 months ago

adding the possibility to select plugins to load in the game. kinda like the cheat section. BUT without having to remove them from ur sd card

Billyfury31 commented 3 months ago

I have already passed the source of a plugin selector to the owner of the repository. You just need to wait for them to add it. In the meantime, you can check out my fork where I have already added this feature ^^

gvvq commented 3 months ago

@Billyfury31 that exactly why i asked this feature to be apart of the base starlight3ds. since i took a look at yours. but it would be better if it was included!. also could u list me all the feature that u added that arent present in starlight3ds?

Billyfury31 commented 3 months ago

I haven't added any additional features. On the one hand, I created this fork not long ago, so I don't know what to include. Additionally, I don't consider myself experienced enough to contribute to Starlight3DS. "My" plugin loader is a copy and paste of the plugin loader from this guy's, with just a few minor modifications to adapt it for use with Starlight. However, if I have any ideas in the future, I will try to add them and contribute to the project! ^^

EDIT: I say that I don't think I have the knowledge to contribute to the project because the creator of the latter asked me for the original repo and refused my pull request to add the loader plugin because it's a copy and paste, which I completely understand, it's not my job

gvvq commented 3 months ago

i still appreciate the work! but honestly add anything that u think can be cool! like other setting. or even QoL likes more thing that look like "gimmie 300 coins" !

gvvq commented 3 months ago

Another feature that would be cool adding! MCU bricker! (changing the led notifications to rgb) would be fun to do so from starlight3ds menu!

cooolgamer commented 3 months ago

I'll check the plugin selector feature, the issue with this is that it doesn't include only this but also other features that may be unwanted, I avoid using PRs because that would credit someone who didn't make the feature :/

cooolgamer commented 3 months ago

As for MCU bricker, yeah I could probably implement that as an easter egg (many buttons combo on rosalina menu maybe), I have to see how it works

gvvq commented 3 months ago

:) for the button combo. u could to the konami code!

cooolgamer commented 2 months ago

Added in this commit