General settings
Main features to configure (not day to day)
Name of the Hub
Address of the Hub
Enabled toggle
List of associated restaurants (shops)
Operational day to day settings
Delivery and collection hours for fulfillment
Delivery and collection minimum cart
Delivery and collection time range duration
Delivery and collection delay before ordering
Delivery and collection toggle preording
Delivery and collection toggle allow editing
Delivery and collection number of days in the future an order can be made in
How the pricing works
For restaurant and client if variable amount is being charged
For restaurant and client the fixed price to charge
For restaurant and client dropdown menu of pricing rules to use
For restaurant and client flat delivery fee
For restaurant and client fee for takeaway
XXX no ability to chose who is responsible for Stripe payment
Platform Catering Use Case for Administrators
📐 General: Modify address to the address of the dropoff where the business is located, rather than the pickup address of the hub
➕ Fulfillment: Add a cutoff time
➖ Fulfillment: Remove "allow editing" button and feature
❓ How to design interface where a restaurant´s menu can be different, with different products and prices? My first thought is to create new products in the restaurant settings page and add them to a new menu, which could then be associated with the hub. This way we maintain the workflow for a restaurant. The administrator of a platform catering hub would need to be able to select the menu of a restaurant when adding a restaurant to the hub, and a restaurant would need to be able to have non public names for its menu items (when making a menu i need to know which item is which, but if i make one item sandwich normal and the other sandwich hub, the final client will see the name sandwich hub)
Existing Hubs
Right now a hub has the following features:
Platform Catering Use Case for Administrators
📐 General: Modify address to the address of the dropoff where the business is located, rather than the pickup address of the hub ➕ Fulfillment: Add a cutoff time ➖ Fulfillment: Remove "allow editing" button and feature ❓ How to design interface where a restaurant´s menu can be different, with different products and prices? My first thought is to create new products in the restaurant settings page and add them to a new menu, which could then be associated with the hub. This way we maintain the workflow for a restaurant. The administrator of a platform catering hub would need to be able to select the menu of a restaurant when adding a restaurant to the hub, and a restaurant would need to be able to have non public names for its menu items (when making a menu i need to know which item is which, but if i make one item sandwich normal and the other sandwich hub, the final client will see the name sandwich hub)
Platform Catering Use Case for Business Owners
Does the business owner even need to see this?