coopcycle / coopcycle-web

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In order to make it quicker and easier for local stores to repeat recurring and complex deliveries, As the store owner or person who creates the deliveries. I would like to have a button to repeat deliveries. #3881

Open iheringdelirrage opened 7 months ago

iheringdelirrage commented 7 months ago

To reduce the time spent on creating deliveries, expecialy those with multiple stops.

As the store owner or person who creates the orders.

I want to have a button to repeat the services I usually order, without spending too much time on it, especially on orders with many addresses.

Additional info: It is important that I can change date and time and packages after the repeat button



Paul-Eraman-CoopCycle commented 3 months ago


we have historically had both deliveries (last mile deliveries from local shops) and orders (food delivery). we are currently combining those two into one thing, will use the "orders" terminology.

So, while the orders page is being redesigned right now to reflect this, work can be started on this on a technical level. The place to implement the change is:

Expected button should look like:


we want this button to open a delivery creation page and replicate the same information as the order being duplicated, but allow the fields to be modified.

Example: Order E69 is seen in the photo. In the deliveries page under "today" we can find this order and by clicking on its delivery number we can see its characteristics . By going to the related shop and clicking create new delivery we see the basic characteristics of the orders they are allowed to make.

In this case the characteristics of the order are Pickup address: 1 Rue Saint-Pierre, Caen, France Pickup Business Name: BIO Pickup Phone #: 0612121212 Pickup Contact Name: John Pickup time range: 5/4/2024 between 14:00 and 17:00 from the Afternoon time slot Pickup comments: "commentstestpickup" Pickup tags: - (there should have been a tag here, it disappeared, will investigate in another issue)

Dropoff address: 2 Rue de Caen, 91300 Massy, France Dropoff Business Name: name Dropoff Phone #: 06 12 34 56 78 Dropoff Contact Name: name2 Dropoff time range: 5/4/2024 between 14:00 and 17:00 (from the Afternoon time slot Dropoff Packages: 1 x "large" Dropoff weight: 2 Dropoff comments: "commenttestdropoff" Dropoff tags: - (there should have been a tag here, it disappeared, will investigate in another issue)

So if on April 7th we duplicate the order, it should in effect create a new delivery for that shop that would have the same client and customer information (address, name, phone number...) the time slot should be the same time slot for the next available range (so if we are making it at 9am it should show 14-17 same day, if we make it at 14:05 then it should show 14-17 next day) the comments and tags should be duplicated the packages and weight as well