logger.debug() are not showing in staging because celery in heroku is called with -l INFO level like this:
celery -A api.tasks worker --beat -l INFO --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
and can't be modified with the free plan.
but we could differentiate with the DEBUG envvar if we want to use debug logs...
using debug.info() method... or overwritting the debugger.debug() method...
logger.debug() are not showing in staging because celery in heroku is called with -l INFO level like this:
celery -A api.tasks worker --beat -l INFO --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
and can't be modified with the free plan. but we could differentiate with the DEBUG envvar if we want to use debug logs... using debug.info() method... or overwritting the debugger.debug() method...