cooperaj / laravel-redis-sentinel

Provides a Redis driver for Laravel that is Sentinel aware
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Laravel 5.4 instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Redis\Factory, instance of Redis given #8

Open san4io opened 6 years ago

san4io commented 6 years ago

Hello, using your library. In laravel 5.4 I get: Type error: Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Cache\RedisStore::__construct() must be an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Redis\Factory, instance of Redis given, called in /var/www/smscare/releases/50/vendor/la
ravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Cache/CacheManager.php on line 200

cooperaj commented 6 years ago

Currently this library does not support L5.4. It's a breaking change and we're stuck on 5.3 for this project.

It's on the cards to fix but will need a new branch since it's not a compatible change.