cooperative-computing-lab / cctools

The Cooperative Computing Tools (cctools) enable large scale distributed computations to harness hundreds to thousands of machines from clusters, clouds, and grids.
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vine: fix doc typos, code typos, and callback signatures for `FuturesExecutor` #3836

Closed gpauloski closed 1 month ago

gpauloski commented 1 month ago

Proposed changes

Please describe your changes (e.g., what problems they attempt to solve, what results are expected, etc.) Additional motivation and context are welcome. Please also mention relevant issues and pull requests as appropriate.

This PR fixes four of the six issues discussed in #3835 (specifically, 1, 2, 4, and 5).

Post-change actions

Put an 'x' in the boxes that describe post-change actions that you have done. The more 'x' ticked, the faster your changes are accepted by maintainers.

Additional comments

This section is dedicated to changes that are ambitious or complex and require substantial discussions. Feel free to start the ball rolling.

BarrySlyDelgado commented 1 month ago

Thanks for noting these issues! a more detailed comment has been posted here: #3835. In short, these changes should fix that mentioned issues (1, 2, 4, 5). Issue 3 will be fixed in a forthcoming PR while 6 may require more thought regarding the implementation of the futures executor along with TaskVine.

dthain commented 1 month ago

@BarrySlyDelgado is this RTM?

BarrySlyDelgado commented 1 month ago
