cooperl22 / laravel-db2

laravel-db2 is a simple DB2 service provider for Laravel. It provides DB2 Connection by extending the Illuminate Database component of the laravel framework.
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usage in laravel 4 #34

Open wstaples opened 6 years ago

wstaples commented 6 years ago

I have a laravel 4.2 app that I would like to use this for. I'm able to get it installed okay but I'm getting the error "ReflectionException: Class db does not exist".

The full error from artisan is: {"error":{"type":"ReflectionException","message":"Class db does not exist","file":"\/var\/www\/laravel\/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Container\/Container.php","line":504}}

in my composer.json I have: "cooperl/laravel-db2": "1.0.*"

I added 'Cooperl\Database\DB2\DB2ServiceProvider', to my app.php file

and my controller is making a very simple query: DB::connection('iseries')->table('my_users')->first();.

I get the same error if I attempt to run php artisan

My main question is does this work at all for laravel 4?