cooperspencer / gickup
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Cannot mirror private gitlab repository to custom gitlab-ce instance #106

Closed GTVolk closed 1 year ago

GTVolk commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone! Thank you for such wonderful tool for backuping my repos, it is awesome! But i'am have issue with mirroring my private repos from to selfhosted gitlab-ce instance. I use token authentication, it grabs all my private repos successfully, but, when it trying to mirror i get an error saying:

<LOGDATE> FTL POST http://<SELFHOSTEDURL>/api/v4/projects: 422 {message: https://<TOKEN><USERNAME>/<REPO>.git is not a valid HTTP Git repository} stage=gitlab url=<SELFHOSTEDURL>

Where redacted <LOGDATE> - log date, <SELFHOSTEDURL> - my selfhosted gitlab-ce instance url, <TOKEN> - private token for, <USERNAME> - my username, <REPO> - my repo name.

Can you do something with this issue and fix it, please? :)

cooperspencer commented 2 years ago

Hi, asfaik Gitlab CE doesn't support mirroring. If you want to "mirror" your changes, you could use charly for that. It just checks for changes in your repository and runs an action as soon a new commit is detected. This config can be used for your use case:

GTVolk commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I'll try this too, i doesn't know about it! I'm a bit wrong in description what I'm doing, I just want to import all repositories from to custom gitlab-ce instance, not necessarily mirror them. But I can't do that either, I get exactly this error. :(