cooperspencer / gickup
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Failsafe on API errors #248

Open vic1707 opened 1 month ago

vic1707 commented 1 month ago


TL/DR: Might be great if gickup throws an error (and/or a push notif) when encountering an API 4XX error.

I was experimenting with Gickup and trying to find a way to backup whole organisations without being a member of it, or how to backup specific repositories.

For orgs I still can't figure it out. For specific repos using the any source and simply putting the github url does the trick but I wanted to try other ways.

But upon testing

see current try:
```yml # cron: 0 22 * * * log: timeformat: 2006-01-02 15:04:05 file-logging: dir: data file: gickup.log maxage: 7 destination: local: - path: /data structured: true zip: true keep: 5 bare: true lfs: false source: github: - token_file: /config/token # fine grained token for my specific user user: vic1707 excludeorgs: - adeo - Zenika - Zenika-Training wiki: true filter: excludeforks: true - user: hsutter include: - cppfront - user: Zelda-Reverse-Engineering-Team # works as is for one repo but I'm trying different things # any: # - # user: ```

I got lots of errors from github-api (due ton invalid config so kinda expected) and gickup started spamming their API at astonishing speed reaching rate limits

2024-07-27 22:34:40 ERR GET 403 API rate limit of 60 still exceeded until 2024-07-27 23:16:23 +0200 CEST, not making remote request. [rate reset in 41m42s] stage=github url=
2024-07-27 22:34:40 ERR GET 403 API rate limit of 60 still exceeded until 2024-07-27 23:16:23 +0200 CEST, not making remote request. [rate reset in 41m42s] stage=github url=
2024-07-27 22:34:40 ERR GET 403 API rate limit of 60 still exceeded until 2024-07-27 23:16:23 +0200 CEST, not making remote request. [rate reset in 41m42s] stage=github url=
// hundreds if not thousands of the same lines because go is fast x)

I think it would be nice to have a way for gickup to not freak out when things like these happen and eventually to share that news via push notif or something.

on a side note, if you can hint me on how (if possible) I can backup specific orgs even when I'm not a member as I don't want to star everything manually. And if you can tell me what I messed up with the hsutter config

cooperspencer commented 1 month ago

Hi, Yeah, the hsutter part is easy, you also need to add a token to this part of the configuration. As for the failsafe, I will need to think a bit about that. It makes total sense, but I need to think on where to add that.

vic1707 commented 1 month ago

Oh ok, easy fix indeed. Thought for another user + public repo meant I could omit the token 👍 As for my question about organization (I believed it got lost in my message) is it possible to backup specific orgs even when I'm not a member of said org? I naively tried this but didn't work as orgs are not users.

        - user: Zelda-Reverse-Engineering-Team
          token_file: /config/token # fine grained token for vic1707
2024-07-28 21:05:59 ERR GET 404 Not Found [] stage=github url=

It makes total sense, but I need to think on where to add that.

I'm not a go developer but, maybe you can add a middleware or wrapper to every kind of API calls and check for the result ? Return either

cooperspencer commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I forgot to answer the org question. Users and Organizations are treated in a similar way, so you can just use the organization as user and it should work. For your case with the Zelda-Reverse-Engineering-Team, are you sure they are not just called zeldaret?

I need to investigate why it prompts the error message a gazillion times when something doesn't exist. Smells like a bug. But otherwise, most of the modules I use to grab repositories also return the error code. That would be a great place to start.

vic1707 commented 1 month ago

display name != username 🤦, crap, I feel stupid now x) thank you that was it