cooperuser / blockade

A minimal but challenging puzzle game, inspired by the ice puzzles in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
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Full WASD/Arrow Key Controls #49

Open grady404 opened 8 years ago

grady404 commented 8 years ago

I honestly can't believe I didn't think of this earlier, but it would make the game's controls so much nicer, and it might even fix the WASD bug in the process. It'll involve completely changing the way boxes are selected, etc. but it will be completely worth it, and I actually don't think it will be too difficult. The problem with the game's controls in their current form is, the player isn't able to execute moves as fast as their brain can come up with them, which makes the game significantly less enjoyable to play. (I would make the priority on this six stars if I could, so please get on this ASAP!) So here's how the new system would work. Every time a user hovers over a box, that box becomes selected (just like it does now), except that box stays selected until the user hovers over another box (or clicks off of it), rather than deselecting as soon as the user moves their mouse off of that box. A selected box might have a white border around it, or maybe some sort of glow around the edges, so that the user always knows which box is selected. The four move buttons will still only appear when the user is directly hovering over a box (because why would they show up if the user can't click them?), but the border around the edges signifying that the box is selected will persist when the user moves their mouse away. Here's the thing. When the user presses one of the WASD keys, it will immediately move the selected box, regardless of whether or not the user is hovering over it with their mouse. That way, the user can easily press multiple WASD keys in a row without moving their mouse, to send a box to a spot on the opposite end of the screen.

Now there's actually a Part 2 of this which will make the controls even nicer (hint: it's an easier way to change which box is selected), but I haven't quite worked out the specifics of it, so just focus on this first until I have.

cooperuser commented 8 years ago

We should make a new issue for this,

grady404 commented 8 years ago

Nah, this is just discussion. Unless you're talking about the version updating system

cooperuser commented 8 years ago

I think that for ways of adding and removing features should be its own thing though

grady404 commented 8 years ago

Alright, you can make that if you want. Btw, #9