coopnorge / engineering-docker-images

MIT License
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Poetry install timeout #329

Open aucampia opened 1 year ago

aucampia commented 1 year ago

Poetry install is timing out, see

6m 24s
Run poetry install
The virtual environment found in /home/runner/work/engineering-docker-images/engineering-docker-images/.venv seems to be broken.
Recreating virtualenv engineering-docker-images in /home/runner/work/engineering-docker-images/engineering-docker-images/.venv
Installing dependencies from lock file

Package operations: 29 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals

  • Installing certifi (2022.6.[1](
  • Installing charset-normalizer (2.1.0)
  • Installing click (8.1.3)
  • Installing idna (3.3)
  • Installing mccabe (0.6.1)
  • Installing mypy-extensions (0.4.3)
  • Installing pathspec (0.9.0)
  • Installing platformdirs (2.5.2)
  • Installing pycodestyle (2.8.0)
  • Installing pyflakes (2.4.0)
  • Installing pyparsing (3.0.9)
  • Installing tomli (2.0.1)
  • Installing urllib3 (1.26.10)
  • Installing attrs ([21](
  • Installing black ([22](
  • Installing iniconfig (1.1.1)
  • Installing pluggy (1.0.0)
  • Installing flake8 (4.0.1)
  • Installing packaging (21.3)
  • Installing py (1.11.0)
  • Installing requests (2.[28](
  • Installing typing-extensions (4.3.0)
  • Installing websocket-client (1.3.3)
  • Installing docker (6.0.0)
  • Installing flake8-black (0.3.3)
  • Installing isort (5.10.1)
  • Installing mypy (0.971)
  • Installing pyproject-flake8 (4.0.1)
  • Installing pytest (7.1.3)
Error: The operation was canceled.
aucampia commented 1 year ago

This works after merging - but I'm not sure this is really fixed.

I suspect this is a result of caching .venv which may not be the best idea:

If this happens we should try without caching .venv

CC: @nikitabarskov @AtzeDeVries