There is reCAPTCHA checkbox (challenge) on signup page. It protects the app from automated registration of new users.
We also need reCAPTCHA on login page. Along with adding reCAPTCHA on the page declaring a new environment variable should be done.
Stake Holders:
middle priority, no impact on app's logic, docs should be updated because of new environment variable
Full Description:
reCAPTCHA protects the website from fraud and abuse.
We use automatically rendered the reCAPTCHA widget.
reCaptcha requires using of two keys:
sitekey for HTML, now this key hardcoded in signup.html template. We are going to declare a new variable
To verify the response we have function validate_recaptcha in We pass token that we received with submitted form as a parameter to function.
if request.method == "POST":
token = request.form.get("g-recaptcha-response")
# ... some code
if not validate_recaptcha(token):
return render_template("apology.html", error_message="Sorry. Something went wrong with anti robot, maybe reCaptcha that you have just checked expired. Please, try arain.")
Using JS we should disable **singin** button is reCAPTCHA not passed
function set_is_recaptcha_false() {
is_recaptcha = false;
function set_is_recaptcha_true() {
is_recaptcha = true;
HTML attributes that call these functions:
data-callback="set_is_recaptcha_true" data-expired-callback="set_is_recaptcha_false"
Test Cases:
route "/signin/"
with dev tools in browser enable submit button and try without passing reCAPTCHA
Short Summary:
There is reCAPTCHA checkbox (challenge) on signup page. It protects the app from automated registration of new users. We also need reCAPTCHA on login page. Along with adding reCAPTCHA on the page declaring a new environment variable should be done.
Stake Holders:
middle priority, no impact on app's logic, docs should be updated because of new environment variable
Full Description:
reCAPTCHA protects the website from fraud and abuse. We use automatically rendered the reCAPTCHA widget. reCaptcha requires using of two keys:
for HTML, now this key hardcoded in signup.html template. We are going to declare a new variableand to inject new variables automatically into the context of a template via
, how to put reCAPTCHA on pageverification key
to verify a user's response on backend, configured asSECRET_RECAPTCHA
in .env file in the root directory, how to verifyTo verify the response we have function
in We pass token that we received with submitted form as a parameter to function.How it looks in
HTML attributes that call these functions:
data-callback="set_is_recaptcha_true" data-expired-callback="set_is_recaptcha_false"
Test Cases:
route "/signin/" with dev tools in browser enable submit button and try without passing reCAPTCHA
Flask context-processors reCAPTCHA v2