Closed muratbeser closed 8 years ago
I've noticed that is now tagged. Is coova-chilli now following a 4 segment version system, or should I interpret this as 1.3.1-r3? The reason behind my question is that I am trying to fix up the gentoo ebuilds, and need to know how versions will work going forward, as this will impact upgrade paths.
IMHO, you should follow the Semantic Versioning Specification. There are only 3 segments. Alpha, Beta or RC version can be easily tagged using this specification.
Hi all! Yes, i agree with Semantic Versioning Specification. Actually the last 3 should be interpreted as r3..
Also I'm agreed with Semantic Versioning @skotos Coova had so many patch since 1.3.0, There is a milestone for 1.3.2 but it's not published
I'm wondering if we could keep tagging to the Semantic version going forward. So for 1a1bc23 instead of a git tag we use git tag v1.3.1-r3.
Yes, i put there a milestone (1.3.2) because we must serve a new milestone for users as a reference.. has been passed a long time since the last coova chilli milestone and much code has developed.
Which means we have decide a version and milestones.
Hi, Why not tagging the versions ?