copiousfreetime / amalgalite

SQLite database engine embedded in a ruby extension.
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Can't run specs from gem #3

Closed jeremyevans closed 14 years ago

jeremyevans commented 14 years ago

You don't ship the spec/.txt files, so you can't run the specs from a gem install. The spec/.txt files should either be added to the gem or the spec directory removed from the gem.

./spec/blob_spec.rb:30:in `read': No such file or directory - /usr/obj/ports/ruby-amalgalite-0.12.0/amalgalite-0.12.0/spec/iso-3166-country.txt (Errno::ENOENT)

copiousfreetime commented 14 years ago

Hrm, well that is a problem. They should definitely ship with it. Good thing I have a new version of amalgalite to release shortly. I'll make sure that they are included in it.


copiousfreetime commented 14 years ago

this should be fixed now with 0.15.0, let me know if you have any problems.