coppermilk / wiener_linien_esp32_monitor

A script for using a T-Display S3 ESP32S3 as a departure board.
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order issue, for example with rbl 1468 #6

Open DryLungsRecords opened 4 months ago

DryLungsRecords commented 4 months ago

if you select rbl 1468 (line 49 Seckendorfstraße in Direction Ring, Volkstheater U) and there is a tram thats not going to ring (it has sometimes also goes to "Joachimsthalerplatz" sometimes, esp at night) it really confuses the output

as soon as one for joachimsthalerplatz is within an hour of departure it just takes list spot number 2 and stays there til its departed, whilst list spot number 1 switches around between the next two that will go to ring

should be easy enough to recreate but can provide pics/vids if needed

would be best to just always sort chronologically no matter the final destination

thanks a bunch!