copycats-plus / copycats

All the copycats you've ever wanted, combined into a single mod!
17 stars 6 forks source link

[Bug]: [STDERR]: java.lang.NullPointerException [Fabric 1.20.1] #41

Open xR4YM0ND opened 2 months ago

xR4YM0ND commented 2 months ago
at com.copycatsplus.copycats.multiloader.LogicalSidedProvider.get(
at com.copycatsplus.copycats.config.FeatureToggle.lambda$refreshItemVisibility$5(
at com.copycatsplus.copycats.multiloader.Platform$Environment.runIfCurrent(
at com.copycatsplus.copycats.config.FeatureToggle.refreshItemVisibility(
at com.copycatsplus.copycats.config.CFeatures.onReload(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
at com.copycatsplus.copycats.config.SyncConfigBase.onReload(
at com.copycatsplus.copycats.config.fabric.CCConfigsImpl.onReload(
at fuzs.forgeconfigapiport.api.config.v2.ModConfigEvents$ModConfigEventsHolder.lambda$create$2(
at fuzs.forgeconfigapiport.impl.core.FabricAbstractions.fireConfigReloading(
at net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigFileTypeHandler$
at com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.file.FileWatcher$


Bennyboy1695 commented 2 months ago

Could really do with more info than just the log like is this a crash, does it break anything?

xR4YM0ND commented 2 months ago

Idk if this breaks something, but it appears in the log, that's why i let you know. It only appears 5/10 times & when Copycats+ gets loaded with these mods:

Fabric 1.20.1 Loader 0.15.9

latest.log with only these mods

Bennyboy1695 commented 2 months ago

I do believe that this issue is the config mod (forge config api port) is sending a config event on game start which is making that error show because its looking for an instance of the server. We can probably find a way to hide that error but it shouldnt affect anything anyway so will be a low priority

xR4YM0ND commented 2 months ago

Alrighty, thank you for your time!