coq-community / aac-tactics

Coq plugin providing tactics for rewriting universally quantified equations, modulo associative (and possibly commutative) operators [maintainer=@palmskog]
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`aac_normalize` throws despite `try` #144

Closed aa755 closed 5 days ago

aa755 commented 1 week ago
Lemma foo: forall X:Prop, X->X.
try aac_normalise.
(* Error: [aac_tactics] The goal is not an applied relation *)

I would like to call try aac_normalise on all goals but this prevents me from doing so. Is there a workaround?

Also, the exception that aac_normalise throws seems wierd: once it threw when it was called in a deep ltac2 stack, but the ltac2 backtrace was empty. (I can produce a minimal example if that helps.) Does it discard the entire stack?

Can aac_normalise just not fail? A user can check whether it did anything by wrapping it around progress. The missing call stack would make it hard to debug failures of complex tactics that call aac_normalise if that fails

aa755 commented 1 week ago

aac_rewrite has the same behaviour:

Lemma foo: forall X:Prop, X->X.
try aac_rewrite Z.gcd_mod.
(* Error: [aac_tactics] The goal is not an applied relation *)
aa755 commented 1 week ago

I cannot catch the exception even in ltac2:

Lemma foo: forall X:Prop, X->X.
  ltac2:( (fun _ => ltac1:(aac_rewrite Z.gcd_mod)) (fun _ => ())).
  (* Error: [aac_tactics] The goal is not an applied relation *)
SkySkimmer commented 1 week ago

Ltac2 is not more capable of catching exceptions than ltac1 so that's normal.

SkySkimmer commented 1 week ago

Cannot reproduce with

From AAC_tactics Require Import AAC.

Lemma foo: forall X:Prop, X->X.
  try aac_normalise.
  (* succeeds doing nothing *)

on coq master, aac-tactics master

aa755 commented 1 week ago

Thanks for investigating. I will try to reproduce it on coq master, aac-tactics master and report back. The errors above where from aac-tactics bf4e295d8edea5f27c2a532faa760effbff989c2 and coq 8.19.0 compiled with OCaml 4.14.1:

coq@7ca81cc6c350:~/aac-tactics$ git log           
commit bf4e295d8edea5f27c2a532faa760effbff989c2 (HEAD -> canonical-ordering, origin/canonical-ordering)
Author: Damien Pous <>
Date:   Fri May 31 16:00:59 2024 +0200

coq@7ca81cc6c350:~/aac-tactics$ coqc --version
The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.19.0
compiled with OCaml 4.14.1
coq@7ca81cc6c350:~/aac-tactics$ coqtop
Welcome to Coq 8.19.0

Coq < From AAC_tactics Require Import AAC.
[Loading ML file ring_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file zify_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file micromega_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file btauto_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file aac_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]

Coq < Lemma foo: forall X:Prop, X->X.
1 goal

  forall X : Prop, X -> X

foo < try aac_normalise.
Toplevel input, characters 0-18:
> try aac_normalise.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Error: [aac_tactics] The goal is not an applied relation

foo <
aa755 commented 1 week ago

I can confirm that this issue does not occur with coq master:

The implementation of aac tactics seem to have not changed since the version above where I can reproduce the issue. So it seems this got fixed by some changes in coq.

palmskog commented 1 week ago

@aa755 could you check if it occurs on Coq's v8.20 branch? If the issue is gone there, then this bug will be gone when I release AAC Tactics for 8.20, which will happen shortly after the release candidate for Coq 8.20.0 is out (which I think is in a few weeks).

palmskog commented 1 week ago

There is already a v8.20 branch of AAC Tactics, but currently it's identical to master:

SkySkimmer commented 1 week ago

8.20 RC is expected tomorrow according to

aa755 commented 1 week ago

@aa755 could you check if it occurs on Coq's v8.20 branch? If the issue is gone there, then this bug will be gone when I release AAC Tactics for 8.20, which will happen shortly after the release candidate for Coq 8.20.0 is out (which I think is in a few weeks).

There is already a v8.20 branch of AAC Tactics, but currently it's identical to master:

So, there is nothing to test for now? If you want me to test something, let me know and I will be happy to.

palmskog commented 1 week ago

So, there is nothing to test for now? If you want me to test something, let me know and I will be happy to.

@aa755 I was suggesting you do the following:

When 8.20+rc1 is packaged via opam (may be a few days) I can try reproducing with that, but the above would give us fast feedback.

palmskog commented 5 days ago

@aa755 I can confirm that the following works on Coq 8.20+rc1:

From AAC_tactics Require Import AAC.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.

Goal forall X:Prop, X->X.
Succeed (try aac_rewrite Z.gcd_mod).

Goal forall X:Prop, X->X.
Succeed (try aac_normalise).

So I will close this issue after I release AAC Tactics 8.20.0 (will happen soon). Please reopen if the problem reappears. Unfortunately, this will not be solved on Coq 8.19.

palmskog commented 5 days ago

Release for 8.20 is done and submitted to the Coq opam archive (extra-dev repo for the moment, but will be moved to released once 8.20.0 is out):

aa755 commented 5 days ago

Thanks. Sorry I was not able to help soon enough. I was planning to do it this weekend.