coq-community / docker-coq-action

GitHub Action using Docker-Coq [maintainers=@erikmd,@Zimmi48]
MIT License
12 stars 4 forks source link

fix: use underscores #4

Closed erikmd closed 4 years ago

erikmd commented 4 years ago

just a heads-up PR.

Motivation for this non-backward-compatible change: the input parameters are also passed as environment variables to the outer container:

Excerpt from

Run erikmd/docker-coq-action@alpha
$ /usr/bin/docker run --name …_… --label … --workdir /github/workspace --rm -e INPUT_OPAM-FILE -e INPUT_COQ-VERSION -e INPUT_OCAML-VERSION -e INPUT_CUSTOM-SCRIPT -e HOME (…)

but dashes in variable names is not supported by POSIX nor by recent versions of bash, see e.g.