Open JasonGross opened 1 year ago
Somehow passed things in COQPATH on the command line
@JasonGross, Minimized File /github/workspace/fiat-crypto/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v (full log on GitHub Actions)
)If you have any comments on your experience of the minimizer, please share them in a reply (possibly tagging @JasonGross
If you believe there's a bug in the bug minimizer, please report it on the bug minimizer issue tracker.
Originally posted by @coqbot-app[bot] in
Most recent one should be fixed by a3d4de4 (issue with printf "-Q\n"
). Let's try again
@coqbot minimize
git clone --recurse-submodules --branch=sp2019latest
cd fiat-crypto
make TIMED=1 some-early util
Hey @JasonGross, the coq bug minimizer is running your script, I'll come back to you with the results once it's done.
@JasonGross, Minimized File /github/workspace/fiat-crypto/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v (interrupted by timeout) (full log on GitHub Actions)
)If you have any comments on your experience of the minimizer, please share them in a reply (possibly tagging @JasonGross
If you believe there's a bug in the bug minimizer, please report it on the bug minimizer issue tracker. Minimized File /github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy/src/Primitives/EdDSARepChange.v (from ci-fiat_crypto_legacy) (full log on GitHub Actions)
We are collecting data on the user experience of the Coq Bug Minimizer. If you haven't already filled the survey for this PR, please fill out our short survey!
Minimized Coq File (consider adding this file to the test-suite)
```coq Require Coq.Init.Ltac. Module Export AdmitTactic. Module Import LocalFalse. Inductive False : Prop := . End LocalFalse. Axiom proof_admitted : False. Import Coq.Init.Ltac. Tactic Notation "admit" := abstract case proof_admitted. End AdmitTactic. Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes. Require Import Crypto.Spec.EdDSA bbv.WordScope. Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Classes.Morphisms_Prop Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions. Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Monoid Crypto.Algebra.Group Crypto.Algebra.ScalarMult. Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable Crypto.Util.Option. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SetEvars. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SubstEvars. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy. Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Classes.Morphisms_Prop. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Require Import Crypto.Util.Option Crypto.Util.Logic Crypto.Util.Relations Crypto.Util.WordUtil Crypto.Util.LetIn Crypto.Util.NatUtil. Require Import Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems. Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano. Import Notations. Section EdDSA. Context `{prm:EdDSA}. Local Infix "==" := Eeq. Local Infix "+" := Eadd. Local Infix "*" := ZEmul. Local Notation valid := (@valid E Eeq Eadd ZEmul b H l B Eenc Senc). Lemma sign_valid : forall A_ sk {n} (M:word n), A_ = public sk -> valid M A_ (sign A_ sk M). Proof using Type. cbv [sign public Spec.EdDSA.valid]; intros; subst; repeat match goal with | |- exists _, _ => eexists | |- _ /\ _ => eapply conj | |- _ => reflexivity end. rewrite F.to_Z_of_Z, scalarmult_mod_order, scalarmult_add_l, cancel_left, scalarmult_mod_order, Z.mul_comm, scalarmult_assoc; try solve [ reflexivity | setoid_rewrite (*unify 0*) (Z2Nat.inj_iff _ 0); pose proof EdDSA_l_odd; lia | pose proof EdDSA_l_odd; lia | apply EdDSA_l_order_B | rewrite scalarmult_assoc, Z.mul_comm, <-scalarmult_assoc, EdDSA_l_order_B, scalarmult_zero_r; reflexivity]. Qed. Lemma solve_for_R_sig : forall s B R n A, { solution | s * B == R + n * A <-> R == solution }. Proof. eexists. set_evars. setoid_rewrite <-(symmetry_iff(R:=Eeq)) at 1. setoid_rewrite <-eq_r_opp_r_inv. setoid_rewrite <-scalarmult_opp_r. subst_evars. reflexivity. Defined. Definition solve_for_R := Eval cbv [proj2_sig solve_for_R_sig] in (fun s B R n A => proj2_sig (solve_for_R_sig s B R n A)). Context {Proper_Eenc : Proper (Eeq==>Logic.eq) Eenc}. Global Instance Proper_eq_Eenc ref : Proper (Eeq ==> iff) (fun P => Eenc P = ref). Proof using Proper_Eenc. intros ? ? Hx; rewrite Hx; reflexivity. Qed. Context {Edec:word b-> option E} {eq_enc_E_iff: forall P_ P, Eenc P = P_ <-> option_eq Eeq (Edec P_) (Some P)}. Context {Sdec:word b-> option (F l)} {eq_enc_S_iff: forall n_ n, Senc n = n_ <-> Sdec n_ = Some n}. Local Infix "++" := combine. Definition verify'_sig : { verify | forall mlen (message:word mlen) (pk:word b) (sig:word (b+b)), verify mlen message pk sig = true <-> valid message pk sig }. Proof. eexists; intros mlen message pk sig; set_evars. unfold Spec.EdDSA.valid. setoid_rewrite solve_for_R. setoid_rewrite combine_eq_iff. setoid_rewrite and_comm at 4. setoid_rewrite and_assoc. repeat setoid_rewrite exists_and_indep_l. setoid_rewrite (and_rewrite_l Eenc (split1 b b sig) (fun x y => x == _ * B + Z.of_nat (wordToNat (H _ (y ++ Eenc _ ++ message))) mod _ * Eopp _)); setoid_rewrite eq_enc_S_iff. setoid_rewrite (@exists_and_equiv_r _ _ _ _ _ _). setoid_rewrite <- (fun A => and_rewriteleft_l (fun x => x) (Eenc A) (fun pk EencA => exists a, Sdec (split2 b b sig) = Some a /\ Eenc (_ * B + Z.of_nat (wordToNat (H (b + (b + mlen)) (split1 b b sig ++ EencA ++ message))) mod _ * Eopp A) = split1 b b sig)). setoid_rewrite (eq_enc_E_iff pk). setoid_rewrite <-weqb_true_iff. setoid_rewrite <-option_rect_false_returns_true_iff_eq. rewrite <-option_rect_false_returns_true_iff by (intros ? ? Hxy; unfold option_rect; break_match; rewrite <-?Hxy; reflexivity). subst_evars. eapply reflexivity. Defined. Definition verify' {mlen} (message:word mlen) (pk:word b) (sig:word (b+b)) : bool := Eval cbv [proj1_sig verify'_sig] in proj1_sig verify'_sig mlen message pk sig. Lemma verify'_correct : forall {mlen} (message:word mlen) pk sig, verify' message pk sig = true <-> valid message pk sig. Proof using Type*. exact (proj2_sig verify'_sig). Qed. Section ChangeRep. Context {Erep ErepEq ErepAdd ErepId ErepOpp} { Erep ErepEq ErepAdd ErepId ErepOpp}. Context {EToRep} {Ahomom:@is_homomorphism E Eeq Eadd Erep ErepEq ErepAdd EToRep}. Context {ERepEnc : Erep -> word b} {ERepEnc_correct : forall P:E, Eenc P = ERepEnc (EToRep P)} {Proper_ERepEnc:Proper (ErepEq==>Logic.eq) ERepEnc}. Context {ERepDec : word b -> option Erep} {ERepDec_correct : forall w, option_eq ErepEq (ERepDec w) (option_map EToRep (Edec w)) }. Context {SRep SRepEq} `{@Equivalence SRep SRepEq} {S2Rep:F l->SRep}. Context {SRepDecModL} {SRepDecModL_correct: forall (w:word (b+b)), SRepEq (S2Rep (F.of_Z _ (Z.of_nat (wordToNat w)))) (SRepDecModL w)}. Context {SRepERepMul:SRep->Erep->Erep} {SRepERepMul_correct:forall n P, ErepEq (EToRep ((n mod l)*P)) (SRepERepMul (S2Rep (F.of_Z _ n)) (EToRep P))} {Proper_SRepERepMul: Proper (SRepEq==>ErepEq==>ErepEq) SRepERepMul}. Context {SRepDec: word b -> option SRep} {SRepDec_correct : forall w, option_eq SRepEq (option_map S2Rep (Sdec w)) (SRepDec w)}. Definition verify_using_representation {mlen} (message:word mlen) (pk:word b) (sig:word (b+b)) : { answer | answer = verify' message pk sig }. Proof. eexists. pose proof EdDSA_l_odd. cbv [verify']. etransitivity. Focus 2. { eapply Proper_option_rect_nd_changebody; [intro|reflexivity]. eapply Proper_option_rect_nd_changebody; [intro|reflexivity]. rewrite <-F.mod_to_Z by lia. repeat ( rewrite ERepEnc_correct || rewrite homomorphism || rewrite homomorphism_id || rewrite (homomorphism_inv(INV:=Eopp)(inv:=ErepOpp)(eq:=ErepEq)(phi:=EToRep)) || rewrite SRepERepMul_correct || rewrite SdecS_correct || rewrite SRepDecModL_correct || rewrite (@F.of_Z_to_Z _ _) || rewrite (@F.mod_to_Z _ _) ). reflexivity. } Unfocus. (* lazymatch goal with |- _ _ (option_rect _ ?some _ _) => idtac some end. *) setoid_rewrite (option_rect_option_map EToRep (fun s => option_rect (fun _ : option _ => bool) (fun s0 => weqb (ERepEnc (ErepAdd (SRepERepMul (_ s0) (EToRep B)) (SRepERepMul (SRepDecModL (H _ (split1 b b sig ++ pk ++ message))) (ErepOpp (s))))) (split1 b b sig)) false (Sdec (split2 b b sig))) false). (* rewrite with a complicated proper instance for inline code .. *) etransitivity; [| eapply Proper_option_rect_nd_changevalue; [ | reflexivity | eapply ERepDec_correct ]; [ repeat match goal with | |- _ => intro | |- _ => eapply Proper_option_rect_nd_changebody | |- ?R ?x ?x => reflexivity | H : _ |- _ => rewrite H; reflexivity end ] ]. etransitivity. Focus 2. { eapply Proper_option_rect_nd_changebody; [intro|reflexivity]. set_evars. setoid_rewrite (option_rect_option_map S2Rep (fun s0 => weqb (ERepEnc (ErepAdd (SRepERepMul (s0) (EToRep B)) (SRepERepMul (SRepDecModL (H _ (split1 b b sig ++ pk ++ message))) (ErepOpp _)))) (split1 b b sig)) false). subst_evars. eapply Proper_option_rect_nd_changevalue; [repeat intro; repeat f_equiv; eassumption|reflexivity|..]. symmetry. eapply SRepDec_correct. } Unfocus. reflexivity. Defined. Definition verify {mlen} (msg:word mlen) pk sig := Eval cbv beta iota delta [proj1_sig verify_using_representation] in proj1_sig (verify_using_representation msg pk sig). Lemma verify_correct {mlen} (msg:word mlen) pk sig : verify msg pk sig = true <-> valid msg pk sig. Proof using Type*. etransitivity; [|eapply (verify'_correct msg pk sig)]. eapply iff_R_R_same_r, (proj2_sig (verify_using_representation _ _ _)). Qed. Context {SRepEnc : SRep -> word b} {SRepEnc_correct : forall x, Senc x = SRepEnc (S2Rep x)} {Proper_SRepEnc:Proper (SRepEq==>Logic.eq) SRepEnc}. Context {SRepAdd : SRep -> SRep -> SRep} {SRepAdd_correct : forall x y, SRepEq (S2Rep (x+y)%F) (SRepAdd (S2Rep x) (S2Rep y)) } {Proper_SRepAdd:Proper (SRepEq==>SRepEq==>SRepEq) SRepAdd}. Context {SRepMul : SRep -> SRep -> SRep} {SRepMul_correct : forall x y, SRepEq (S2Rep (x*y)%F) (SRepMul (S2Rep x) (S2Rep y)) } {Proper_SRepMul:Proper (SRepEq==>SRepEq==>SRepEq) SRepMul}. Context {ErepB:Erep} {ErepB_correct:ErepEq ErepB (EToRep B)}. Context {SRepDecModLShort} {SRepDecModLShort_correct: forall (w:word (n+1)), SRepEq (S2Rep (F.of_nat _ (wordToNat w))) (SRepDecModLShort w)}. (* We would ideally derive the optimized implementations from specifications using `setoid_rewrite`, but doing this without inlining let-bound subexpressions turned out to be quite messy in the current state of Coq:Intermediate Coq File (useful for debugging if minimization did not go as far as you wanted)
```coq ```Build Log (contains the Coq error message) (truncated to last 8.0KiB; full 11MiB file on GitHub Actions Artifacts under
``` r0 : (0 <= Z.of_nat n)%Z := Nat2Z.is_nonneg n in let cstr1 : (0 <= Z.of_nat b)%Z := Nat2Z.is_nonneg b in let cstr2 : (0 <= Z.of_nat c)%Z := Nat2Z.is_nonneg c in let __arith : forall __x3 __x2 __x1 : Z, __x3 = 2%Z \/ __x3 = 3%Z -> (__x1 >= __x3)%Z -> (__x1 <= __x2)%Z -> (__x1 <= __x2 + __x2)%Z := fun __x3 __x2 __x1 : Z => let __wit := (ZMicromega.RatProof (RingMicromega.PsatzAdd (RingMicromega.PsatzMulC (EnvRing.Pc (-1)%Z) (RingMicromega.PsatzIn Z 3)) (RingMicromega.PsatzAdd (RingMicromega.PsatzIn Z 2) (RingMicromega.PsatzAdd (RingMicromega.PsatzMulE (RingMicromega.PsatzC 2%Z) (RingMicromega.PsatzIn Z 1)) (RingMicromega.PsatzIn Z 0)))) ZMicromega.DoneProof :: ZMicromega.RatProof (RingMicromega.PsatzAdd (RingMicromega.PsatzMulC (EnvRing.Pc (-1)%Z) (RingMicromega.PsatzIn Z 3)) (RingMicromega.PsatzAdd (RingMicromega.PsatzIn Z 2) (RingMicromega.PsatzAdd (RingMicromega.PsatzMulE (RingMicromega.PsatzC 2%Z) (RingMicromega.PsatzIn Z 1)) (RingMicromega.PsatzIn Z 0)))) ZMicromega.DoneProof :: nil)%list in let __varmap := VarMap.Branch (VarMap.Branch (VarMap.Elt __x3) __x2 VarMap.Empty) __x1 VarMap.Empty in let __ff := Tauto.IMPL (Tauto.OR (Tauto.A Tauto.isProp {| RingMicromega.Flhs := EnvRing.PEX 4; RingMicromega.Fop := RingMicromega.OpEq; RingMicromega.Frhs := EnvRing.PEc 2%Z |} tt) (Tauto.A Tauto.isProp {| RingMicromega.Flhs := EnvRing.PEX 4; RingMicromega.Fop := RingMicromega.OpEq; RingMicromega.Frhs := EnvRing.PEc 3%Z |} tt)) None (Tauto.IMPL (Tauto.A Tauto.isProp {| RingMicromega.Flhs := EnvRing.PEX 1; RingMicromega.Fop := RingMicromega.OpGe; RingMicromega.Frhs := EnvRing.PEX 4 |} tt) None (Tauto.IMPL (Tauto.A Tauto.isProp {| RingMicromega.Flhs := EnvRing.PEX 1; RingMicromega.Fop := RingMicromega.OpLe; RingMicromega.Frhs := EnvRing.PEX 2 |} tt) None (Tauto.A Tauto.isProp {| RingMicromega.Flhs := EnvRing.PEX 1; RingMicromega.Fop := RingMicromega.OpLe; RingMicromega.Frhs := EnvRing.PEadd (EnvRing.PEX 2) (EnvRing.PEX 2) |} tt))) in ZMicromega.ZTautoChecker_sound __ff __wit (eq_refl <: ZMicromega.ZTautoChecker __ff __wit = true) (VarMap.find 0%Z __varmap) in __arith (Z.of_nat c) (Z.of_nat b) (Z.of_nat n) EdDSA_c_valid1 EdDSA_n_ge_c1 EdDSA_n_le_b1)) EdDSA_group EdDSA_scalarmult EdDSA_c_valid EdDSA_n_ge_c EdDSA_n_le_b EdDSA_B_not_identity EdDSA_l_prime EdDSA_l_odd EdDSA_l_order_B end : (n <= b + b)%nat splitSecretPrngCurve : word b -> SRep * word b splitSecretPrngCurve_correct : forall sk : word b, let (s, r) := splitSecretPrngCurve sk in SRepEq s (S2Rep (F.of_Z l (curveKey sk))) /\ r = prngKey sk pk : word b sk : word b mlen : nat msg : word mlen The term "pk" has type "word b" while it is expected to have type "word b -> ?SRep * word b". Command exited with non-zero status 1 src/Primitives/EdDSARepChange.vo (real: 4.05, user: 3.78, sys: 0.27, mem: 530592 ko) Makefile.coq:823: recipe for target 'src/Primitives/EdDSARepChange.vo' failed make[1]: *** [src/Primitives/EdDSARepChange.vo] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy' Aggregating timing log... Time | Peak Mem | File Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2m57.08s | 897980 ko | Total Time / Peak Mem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1m04.46s | 612104 ko | Arithmetic/Karatsuba.vo 0m24.15s | 577732 ko | Arithmetic/Core.vo 0m17.11s | 897980 ko | Curves/Edwards/XYZT/Basic.vo 0m15.10s | 544916 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/AddSub.vo 0m11.51s | 560240 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/Core.vo 0m10.65s | 546668 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/MontgomeryAPI.vo 0m07.41s | 528760 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/MulSplit.vo 0m04.97s | 541116 ko | Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Proofs.vo 0m03.91s | 564184 ko | Compilers/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/Definition.vo 0m03.78s | 530592 ko | Primitives/EdDSARepChange.vo 0m03.16s | 529108 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/Freeze.vo 0m01.69s | 527588 ko | Arithmetic/CoreUnfolder.vo 0m01.26s | 527988 ko | Curves/Edwards/XYZT/Precomputed.vo 0m01.01s | 530632 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/CoreUnfolder.vo 0m00.91s | 531896 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/WrappersUnfolder.vo 0m00.87s | 532428 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/UniformWeight.vo 0m00.76s | 567912 ko | Compilers/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/ReflectiveTactics.vo 0m00.70s | 529928 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/MulSplitUnfolder.vo 0m00.66s | 538288 ko | Compilers/Z/Bounds/Pipeline.vo 0m00.64s | 530404 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/FreezeUnfolder.vo 0m00.62s | 511088 ko | Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Definition.vo 0m00.61s | 498212 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/Wrappers.vo 0m00.58s | 478004 ko | Compilers/Z/Bounds/MapCastByDeBruijnWf.vo 0m00.57s | 492684 ko | Arithmetic/Saturated/UniformWeightInstances.vo recipe for target 'ci-fiat_crypto_legacy' failed make: *** [ci-fiat_crypto_legacy] Error 2 /github/workspace/builds/coq /github/workspace ::endgroup:: ```build.log
)Minimization Log
``` Coq version: 8.19+alpha compiled with OCaml 4.14.1 First, I will attempt to absolutize relevant [Require]s in /github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy/src/Primitives/EdDSARepChange.v, and store the result in /github/workspace/cwd/bug_01.v... getting /github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy/src/Primitives/EdDSARepChange.v getting /github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy/src/Primitives/EdDSARepChange.glob Now, I will attempt to coq the file, and find the error... Coqing the file (/github/workspace/cwd/bug_01.v)... Running command: "/github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_install_ci/bin/coqc.orig" "-q" "-w" "-deprecated-hint-rewrite-without-locality,+deprecated-hint-without-locality,+deprecated-instance-without-locality,unsupported-attributes" "-w" "-notation-overridden" "-w" "-deprecated-native-compiler-option" "-native-compiler" "no" "-R" "/github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy/src" "Crypto" "-R" "/github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy/bbv/src/bbv" "bbv" "-Q" "/github/workspace/cwd" "Top" "-Q" "/github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_install_ci/lib/coq/user-contrib/Ltac2" "Ltac2" "-top" "Crypto.Primitives.EdDSARepChange" "/github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy/coqprime/src" "/github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy/coqprime/src/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-R" "/tmp/tmpsbukrjx2" "" "/tmp/tmpsbukrjx2/Crypto/Primitives/EdDSARepChange.v" "-q" The timeout for /github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_install_ci/bin/coqc.orig has been set to: 3 This file produces the following output when Coq'ed: Error: More than one file to compile: /github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy/coqprime/src/Coqprime The current state of the file does not have a recognizable error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/github/workspace/coq-tools/", line 1470, inIf you have any comments on your experience of the minimizer, please share them in a reply (possibly tagging
). If you believe there's a bug in the bug minimizer, please report it on the bug minimizer issue tracker.