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broken links on the website #100

Closed coqbot closed 11 months ago

coqbot commented 7 years ago

Note: the issue was created automatically with bugzilla2github tool

Original bug ID: BZ#5511 From: @matejkosik Reported version: unspecified CC: @herbelin

coqbot commented 7 years ago

Comment author: @matejkosik

I've found out that here:

the link to Proviola project is broken.

The link to Hypertextual Electronic library of Mathematics brings the reader to a site which is not functional.

I am not sure how to fix this but in the present form, the provided links are not helpful.

coqbot commented 7 years ago

Comment author: @herbelin

You can fill a PR at

However, seem also to be stalling. Something should be done so that we are more reactive on it.

coqbot commented 7 years ago

Comment author: @matejkosik

Hi Hugo,

Do you know what happened to those two projects?

Did the website moved?

Did the project die and the web-pages were deleted?

Do we know somebody who can answer these questions?

coqbot commented 7 years ago

Comment author: @herbelin

Do you know what happened to those two projects?

Proviola is presumably discontinued. The author moved to industry, iirc. Enrico or Bruno, who were the latest one to work with him, should know.

For Helm, it is sad but I always knew the server pretty instable. At some time, there were someone to restart it but after some while this become difficult to maintain. Enrico could tell you more.

Did the website moved?

Couldn't find proviola on google.

Did the project die and the web-pages were deleted?

Maybe a reorganization of the web server and no one

Do we know somebody who can answer these questions?

For Proviola, I would first ask Enrico to know if he has news, then otherwise Bas Spitters who is probably aware. Then, Freek Wiedijk or Herman Geuvers (you can write them from me).

Did you see It is related to your question. We could not get a common conclusion with Enrico at this time. Unfortunately, I don't see any other choice than removing this unmaintained work, but that would be good to keep a trace somewhere, typically at for the record of the valuable ideas that the community has developed.

Zimmi48 commented 11 months ago

This page no longer exists.