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Start listing Coq schools in the community page. #94

Closed Zimmi48 closed 5 years ago

Zimmi48 commented 5 years ago

In particular, mention the Math-Comp Winter School and the UniMath schools which were not listed there yet. Are there other recurring schools that I don't know about?

We could also mention non-recurring events, such as:

In any case, the goal of this PR, and the previous one (#92) is clearly to give more visibility to Coq events and to show to the public that we are a very active community, but also to encourage anyone organizing an event to open a PR and add it to the list.

ybertot commented 5 years ago

Can you give access to a bitmap of the page, as you did for #92

Zimmi48 commented 5 years ago

The rest of the page didn't change:


Zimmi48 commented 5 years ago

Maybe "Coq workshops" should be "Other Coq workshops" as the Implementors Workshop is a Coq workshop too.

Zimmi48 commented 5 years ago

BTW, there were Coq events held in Japan. It would be great to list them too. If we want to list all the non-recurring events without making this page grow to long, we could create a new page and link it from there.

ybertot commented 5 years ago

It feels odd to have so many categories. for me the CoqPL workshop is a thematic one (programming languages) and I clearly envision a few others (Mathematical Components, Unimath have already had some, but we could so envision something on numerical computation covering Flocq, interval, and their applications, etc.). Still I understand why you would want to make a difference between a week-long event like CIW (which is not a school) and the other workshops (which are more one-day events). The shonan meeting in Japan was also presented as a school (actually, it was the first such school for Shonan). In that case, you may also want to add post-hoc advertisement for the schools that happened in China (Bejing, Suzhou, Shanghai).

Zimmi48 commented 5 years ago

It feels odd to have so many categories.

It's probably a good idea to merge back workshops and schools then but with the title "Coq workshops and schools" instead of "Other yearly events" to be more inclusive. However, I'd like to keep Meetups distinct because it is a quite different concept (and more connected to the industry world by opposition to workshops and schools which are connected to the academic world) and because I'd really like to encourage people everywhere to start Coq Meetups and lists them there.

The shonan meeting in Japan was also presented as a school (actually, it was the first such school for Shonan). In that case, you may also want to add post-hoc advertisement for the schools that happened in China (Bejing, Suzhou, Shanghai).

Unfortunately, I couldn't load the Shonan and Suzhou webpages, and I couldn't find any information for the Shanghai one.

What I managed to find is:

ejgallego commented 5 years ago

I also keep a list of events at

far from complete of course.

Zimmi48 commented 5 years ago

Thanks @ejgallego!

I extracted these two additional events:

Zimmi48 commented 5 years ago



Now includes a new page listing other past or non-recurring events. I may still have missed many. I didn't list those for which I couldn't find a webpage. If you know where it was, a web-archive page would be fine as well.