coq / coq

Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs.
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ssreflect `[^ ident ]` pattern does not behave as documented when used after `elim` #16389

Open RalfJung opened 2 years ago

RalfJung commented 2 years ago

Description of the problem

While debugging, I encountered for the first time the [^ ident ] pattern. I was pointed at the documentation, but the behavior I see does not match what is documented, so I am unable to form a mental model of what this pattern is supposed to do. Consider:

From Coq Require Import String.
From Coq.ssr Require Export ssreflect.

Inductive val :=
  | PairV (v1 v2 : val).

Inductive expr :=
  | Call (e1 : expr) (e2 : expr)
  | If (e0 e1 e2 : expr)

Section test.
  Context (subst : string -> val -> expr -> expr).

  Lemma to_expr_subst x v e :
    subst x v e = subst x v e.
    elim: e => /= [^ e].

What I would expect is that "It performs a case analysis on the top variable and introduces, in one go, all the variables coming from the case analysis". So, basically I should be able to write elim: e; simpl; intro [] instead and it should be basically the same as elim: e => /= [^ e] except that the things are named differently. However what actually happens is that it introduces a different number of variables in each of the newly created goals. It's 4 in the first goal and 6 in the second goal. And it doesn't perform any case distinction at all! It just magically introduces exactly as many things as the elim added.

The documentation says something about a special case when 'the intro pattern immediately follows a call to elim with a custom eliminator', but that is not the case here.

Coq Version


Blaisorblade commented 2 years ago

The relevant doc is

I agree this quote is not accurate:

It performs a case analysis on the top variable and introduces, in one go, all the variables coming from the case analysis.

but what does happen is that, if you have another tactic that performs a case analysis (EDIT: like elim), this introduces all the variables coming from the case analysis.

Blaisorblade commented 2 years ago

The documentation says something about a special case when 'the intro pattern immediately follows a call to elim with a custom eliminator', but that is not the case here.

That special case, AFAICT, is just about a different way to pick the names to introduce. Either way, case: t => [^ e] should introduce more or less as many variables as destruct t would introduce; I forget what happens with the induction hypotheses.

I took the liberty to tag this as a documentation bug, because the behavior and the text date back to — and I think the behavior is as intended, while the text is just sloppy.

RalfJung commented 2 years ago

I agree, the behavior is probably as intended, just not as documented.