coq / coq

Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs.
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[ssr] unclear view_subject / discharged_H is used in conclusion #18090

Open mrhaandi opened 11 months ago

mrhaandi commented 11 months ago

Description of the problem

Sometimes unexpectedly the ssreflect view mechanism fails with __view_subject__ is used in conclusion or __discharged_H__ is used in conclusion. Here is a small example (where the conclusion is False):

Require Import ssreflect.

Inductive zero : nat -> Prop := Z0 : zero 0.

Inductive is_zero0 : zero 0 -> Prop := is_zero0_intro : is_zero0 Z0.
Inductive no_zeroS (n : nat) : zero (S n) -> Prop :=.

Definition zero_inv {n} (e : zero n) :
  match n return zero n -> Prop with
  | 0 => is_zero0
  | S m => no_zeroS m
  end e.
Proof. by case: e. Defined.

Lemma test : zero 1 -> False.
  Fail move=> /zero_inv.
  (* __view_subject__ is used in conclusion. *)
  move=> H.
  Fail move=> /zero_inv in H.
  (* __discharged_H__ is used in conclusion. *)

Coq Version

The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.18.0 compiled with OCaml 4.14.1

silene commented 11 months ago

While the error message is awful, the failure seems fine to me. When you apply the view zero_inv to the hypothesis __view_subject__: zero 1, the resulting term is no_zeroS 0 __view_subject__, thus preventing the removal of the hypothesis. This basically amounts to calling refine (fun H => _ (zero_inv H)).