coq / coq

Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs.
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Remove useless typechecking of future goals in refine #19030

Open SkySkimmer opened 2 weeks ago

SkySkimmer commented 2 weeks ago

I can't see a reason to have it.

SkySkimmer commented 2 weeks ago

@coqbot bench

ppedrot commented 2 weeks ago

Some of the tactics send potentially ill-typed evars. It should be indeed the responsibility of the tactic itself to check that it doesn't generate crap, but 1. this is putting the burden on the caller and 2. maybe there are also user-facing calls to refine that mess with typing invariants. The latter should definitely be wrapped in a sanitizer somehow.

coqbot-app[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

:checkered_flag: Bench results:

│                                     │      user time [s]      │              CPU cycles               │           CPU instructions            │  max resident mem [KB]  │
│                                     │                         │                                       │                                       │                         │
│            package_name             │   NEW      OLD    PDIFF │      NEW             OLD        PDIFF │      NEW             OLD        PDIFF │   NEW      OLD    PDIFF │
│                       coq-equations │    7.50     7.74  -3.10 │    31038359599     31020839747   0.06 │    50925667832     50946517927  -0.04 │  388912   386984   0.50 │
│                        coq-bedrock2 │  362.68   365.81  -0.86 │  1642218252790   1651822005276  -0.58 │  3110558136641   3110527786253   0.00 │  860080   859328   0.09 │
│             coq-metacoq-safechecker │  417.78   421.21  -0.81 │  1904992145199   1920251925347  -0.79 │  3152787564606   3184333482170  -0.99 │ 2089756  2073112   0.80 │
│              coq-mathcomp-odd-order │  790.73   796.08  -0.67 │  3610720185722   3633859802749  -0.64 │  6075512568177   6078636952576  -0.05 │ 1640604  1652820  -0.74 │
│                 coq-metacoq-erasure │  503.72   507.05  -0.66 │  2282761320418   2295689981182  -0.56 │  3562992645864   3581895205120  -0.53 │ 2067528  2101412  -1.61 │
│              coq-mathcomp-character │  109.31   109.97  -0.60 │   497066790833    500253041041  -0.64 │   789790217809    790493156177  -0.09 │ 1133396  1139444  -0.53 │
│                   coq-metacoq-pcuic │  985.94   991.37  -0.55 │  4400186620147   4423491679991  -0.53 │  6451672010391   6470643630342  -0.29 │ 2680832  2678144   0.10 │
│                coq-metacoq-template │  151.03   151.84  -0.53 │   664692928417    666261758717  -0.24 │  1046471766427   1046892921983  -0.04 │ 1519836  1516496   0.22 │
│               coq-engine-bench-lite │  157.93   158.71  -0.49 │   662655502925    666748063057  -0.61 │  1222763219746   1223648603483  -0.07 │ 1321316  1321488  -0.01 │
│                      coq-coquelicot │   39.64    39.83  -0.48 │   175286905527    176041512662  -0.43 │   248419333236    249035021506  -0.25 │  853276   853056   0.03 │
│                 coq-category-theory │  690.68   693.51  -0.41 │  3127958856358   3142073407206  -0.45 │  5201027828414   5263794586985  -1.19 │  977128   955384   2.28 │
│               coq-mathcomp-fingroup │   30.43    30.55  -0.39 │   137812998890    139057305634  -0.89 │   207462652759    207787777323  -0.16 │  565992   569568  -0.63 │
│               coq-mathcomp-solvable │  118.35   118.78  -0.36 │   538690043549    540556299443  -0.35 │   856076287470    857082442228  -0.12 │  879836   877316   0.29 │
│                       coq-fiat-core │   59.52    59.72  -0.33 │   245855569797    245305965846   0.22 │   368606700800    368699281207  -0.03 │  484236   485068  -0.17 │
│                        coq-coqprime │   48.08    48.20  -0.25 │   215024486000    215196954726  -0.08 │   334484645450    334484770530  -0.00 │  787220   784292   0.37 │
│                    coq-math-classes │   85.57    85.78  -0.24 │   382891430883    383562195026  -0.17 │   536167704212    537005223196  -0.16 │  504408   504920  -0.10 │
│          coq-performance-tests-lite │  710.01   711.45  -0.20 │  3178372519747   3183356151044  -0.16 │  5680128080411   5684884028529  -0.08 │ 2275500  2275896  -0.02 │
│                            coq-hott │  161.58   161.85  -0.17 │   717379027922    716591925030   0.11 │  1147003464508   1146949840882   0.00 │  474628   472400   0.47 │
│                   coq-iris-examples │  466.94   467.43  -0.10 │  2114374698437   2114908475704  -0.03 │  3275273754173   3276836145102  -0.05 │ 1122364  1116884   0.49 │
│        coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock │ 6250.28  6255.36  -0.08 │ 28326822600894  28341592477191  -0.05 │ 51218445422102  51215934672453   0.00 │ 3246096  3246044   0.00 │
│         coq-rewriter-perf-SuperFast │  797.07   797.69  -0.08 │  3565134692974   3567068398277  -0.05 │  6255560009976   6256738323901  -0.02 │ 1576540  1574488   0.13 │
│                           coq-verdi │   49.24    49.27  -0.06 │   220379585629    220731174507  -0.16 │   340365392320    340892852664  -0.15 │  532260   530892   0.26 │
│                         coq-unimath │ 2468.77  2469.44  -0.03 │ 11197520789165  11195126052120   0.02 │ 22212848456002  22211465412118   0.01 │ 1255076  1254904   0.01 │
│                        coq-compcert │  282.46   282.43   0.01 │  1268765030610   1267490711973   0.10 │  1945536064286   1945764069818  -0.01 │ 1123380  1124164  -0.07 │
│                  coq-mathcomp-field │  143.82   143.67   0.10 │   649245054147    649030258100   0.03 │  1072521466936   1074363625721  -0.17 │ 1457960  1483828  -1.74 │
│ coq-neural-net-interp-computed-lite │  300.50   300.06   0.15 │  1370347675340   1368778368744   0.11 │  3617686080117   3617778193722  -0.00 │ 1112920  1116716  -0.34 │
│                           coq-color │  251.96   251.59   0.15 │  1125291953444   1123493166743   0.16 │  1634485294181   1635985568705  -0.09 │ 1217920  1175712   3.59 │
│                            coq-core │  130.74   130.46   0.21 │   501583765741    497754744059   0.77 │   532200587481    531929527704   0.05 │  457140   462372  -1.13 │
│                            coq-corn │  716.16   714.43   0.24 │  3238703349007   3232400169283   0.19 │  5064964803798   5077814357710  -0.25 │  755132   755436  -0.04 │
│                       coq-fourcolor │ 1371.28  1367.93   0.24 │  6238294254805   6221418499314   0.27 │ 12907112446530  12909644095198  -0.02 │ 2188016  2137604   2.36 │
│                coq-mathcomp-algebra │  262.04   261.24   0.31 │  1184032042999   1181079817207   0.25 │  1999997958597   2000634837254  -0.03 │ 1349648  1335580   1.05 │
│                         coq-coqutil │   42.45    42.31   0.33 │   186045327993    185225589453   0.44 │   270894267861    270878752164   0.01 │  560952   560884   0.01 │
│                             coq-vst │  881.57   878.39   0.36 │  3984855877684   3971572220151   0.33 │  6741265504691   6743892819349  -0.04 │ 2167572  2167956  -0.02 │
│                      coq-test-suite │  710.01   707.33   0.38 │  3014955302020   2998179722823   0.56 │  5377183072259   5377039167942   0.00 │ 2695064  2694692   0.01 │
│                    coq-fiat-parsers │  313.92   312.62   0.42 │  1389374023320   1384509544196   0.35 │  2472543965444   2471316429140   0.05 │ 2410460  2406872   0.15 │
│            coq-metacoq-translations │   17.11    17.01   0.59 │    75092433573     75129308249  -0.05 │   125115811109    125097399981   0.01 │  843568   846340  -0.33 │
│                        coq-rewriter │  393.13   390.39   0.70 │  1772748050578   1762434102460   0.59 │  2990734293179   2990660599104   0.00 │ 1478028  1477036   0.07 │
│                      coq-verdi-raft │  584.31   580.03   0.74 │  2651032779412   2632818343811   0.69 │  4161364034507   4161577790161  -0.01 │  847636   847800  -0.02 │
│                         coq-bignums │   29.69    29.45   0.81 │   133125334884    133115163183   0.01 │   192278384838    192277099373   0.00 │  477572   478092  -0.11 │
│              coq-mathcomp-ssreflect │  224.07   221.52   1.15 │  1010260713729    999737376025   1.05 │  1676413775099   1675999605010   0.02 │ 1720820  1718752   0.12 │
│                          coq-stdlib │  352.96   348.88   1.17 │  1480157963639   1467549461932   0.86 │  1257442431814   1258446238642  -0.08 │  721552   719776   0.25 │
:turtle: Top 25 slow downs
│                                                       TOP 25 SLOW DOWNS                                                       │
│                                                                                                                               │
│   OLD      NEW     DIFF   %DIFF    Ln                   FILE                                                                  │
│  3.9050   4.9690  1.0640  27.25%    22  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Rewriter/Passes/ArithWithCasts.v.html                │
│ 10.9520  11.7590  0.8070   7.37%  2103  coq-mathcomp-ssreflect/mathcomp/ssreflect/order.v.html                                │
│  2.6530   3.3320  0.6790  25.59%    34  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Rewriter/Passes/ArithWithCasts.v.html                │
│  1.6310   2.1990  0.5680  34.83%   196  coq-stdlib/setoid_ring/Ncring_tac.v.html                                              │
│ 44.2400  44.7430  0.5030   1.14%   827  coq-vst/veric/binop_lemmas4.v.html                                                    │
│  2.4640   2.9030  0.4390  17.82%  1001  coq-performance-tests-lite/src/fiat_crypto_via_setoid_rewrite_standalone.v.html       │
│ 27.4760  27.8590  0.3830   1.39%   147  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoorTop.v.html          │
│ 29.3000  29.6220  0.3220   1.10%    12  coq-fourcolor/theories/job001to106.v.html                                             │
│ 28.5220  28.8320  0.3100   1.09%    12  coq-fourcolor/theories/job323to383.v.html                                             │
│ 24.1020  24.4110  0.3090   1.28%    12  coq-fourcolor/theories/job503to506.v.html                                             │
│ 10.1850  10.4920  0.3070   3.01%   496  coq-rewriter/src/Rewriter/Rewriter/Wf.v.html                                          │
│ 17.1400  17.4460  0.3060   1.79%   481  coq-verdi-raft/theories/RaftProofs/EndToEndLinearizability.v.html                     │
│ 29.2980  29.5910  0.2930   1.00%    12  coq-fourcolor/theories/job165to189.v.html                                             │
│  7.0890   7.3810  0.2920   4.12%  2089  coq-mathcomp-ssreflect/mathcomp/ssreflect/order.v.html                                │
│ 37.7920  38.0810  0.2890   0.76%     3  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/ExtractionJsOfOCaml/with_bedrock2_fiat_crypto.v.html │
│ 24.4920  24.7800  0.2880   1.18%    12  coq-fourcolor/theories/job291to294.v.html                                             │
│ 29.2280  29.5120  0.2840   0.97%   144  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoorTop.v.html          │
│ 20.9160  21.1930  0.2770   1.32%   213  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Curves/EdwardsMontgomery.v.html                      │
│  6.6750   6.9470  0.2720   4.07%  1075  coq-rewriter/src/Rewriter/Language/Inversion.v.html                                   │
│  1.6460   1.9180  0.2720  16.52%   165  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZProofs.v.html                    │
│  0.5520   0.8200  0.2680  48.55%   816  coq-stdlib/MSets/MSetRBT.v.html                                                       │
│  0.5520   0.8070  0.2550  46.20%   422  coq-stdlib/MSets/MSetList.v.html                                                      │
│ 20.4300  20.6830  0.2530   1.24%  2736  coq-metacoq-safechecker/safechecker/theories/PCUICTypeChecker.v.html                  │
│ 39.7710  40.0240  0.2530   0.64%   835  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Fancy/Compiler.v.html                                │
│  0.6320   0.8840  0.2520  39.87%   736  coq-stdlib/Reals/Cauchy/ConstructiveCauchyReals.v.html                                │
:rabbit2: Top 25 speed ups
│                                                                TOP 25 SPEED UPS                                                                │
│                                                                                                                                                │
│   OLD       NEW      DIFF     %DIFF    Ln                     FILE                                                                             │
│ 259.4420  255.3860  -4.0560   -1.56%  1629  coq-metacoq-pcuic/pcuic/theories/PCUICSR.v.html                                                    │
│ 220.8970  217.8840  -3.0130   -1.36%   103  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Arithmetic/BarrettReduction.v.html                                │
│  64.8390   62.3840  -2.4550   -3.79%   609  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/rupicola/bedrock2/bedrock2/src/bedrock2Examples/lightbulb.v.html      │
│  64.6730   62.7400  -1.9330   -2.99%   609  coq-bedrock2/bedrock2/src/bedrock2Examples/lightbulb.v.html                                        │
│  49.6360   47.9160  -1.7200   -3.47%   558  coq-bedrock2/bedrock2/src/bedrock2Examples/insertionsort.v.html                                    │
│  96.1020   94.9250  -1.1770   -1.22%   999  coq-performance-tests-lite/src/fiat_crypto_via_setoid_rewrite_standalone.v.html                    │
│  83.8810   82.8220  -1.0590   -1.26%   365  coq-mathcomp-odd-order/theories/PFsection4.v.html                                                  │
│  69.6670   68.6750  -0.9920   -1.42%   368  coq-mathcomp-odd-order/theories/PFsection4.v.html                                                  │
│  96.0570   95.0700  -0.9870   -1.03%   968  coq-performance-tests-lite/src/fiat_crypto_via_setoid_rewrite_standalone.v.html                    │
│ 154.9220  154.0180  -0.9040   -0.58%  1190  coq-unimath/UniMath/CategoryTheory/GrothendieckConstruction/IsPullback.v.html                      │
│ 102.1480  101.2510  -0.8970   -0.88%    20  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Rewriter/Passes/NBE.v.html                                        │
│  49.0280   48.1950  -0.8330   -1.70%   558  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/rupicola/bedrock2/bedrock2/src/bedrock2Examples/insertionsort.v.html  │
│   6.0570    5.3020  -0.7550  -12.46%   823  coq-metacoq-erasure/erasure/theories/ErasureFunction.v.html                                        │
│  20.5540   19.9970  -0.5570   -2.71%   325  coq-engine-bench-lite/coq/PerformanceDemos/one_step_reduction.v.html                               │
│   8.1020    7.6030  -0.4990   -6.16%   881  coq-vst/veric/binop_lemmas4.v.html                                                                 │
│  13.9520   13.5090  -0.4430   -3.18%   850  coq-unimath/UniMath/CategoryTheory/Profunctors/Transformation.v.html                               │
│  20.6240   20.1890  -0.4350   -2.11%   214  coq-engine-bench-lite/coq/PerformanceDemos/one_step_reduction.v.html                               │
│   3.6330    3.2120  -0.4210  -11.59%   490  coq-stdlib/Reals/Cauchy/ConstructiveCauchyRealsMult.v.html                                         │
│  36.8700   36.4790  -0.3910   -1.06%     2  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/ExtractionJsOfOCaml/fiat_crypto.v.html                            │
│   1.3400    0.9800  -0.3600  -26.87%   854  coq-stdlib/FSets/FMapAVL.v.html                                                                    │
│  82.2940   81.9420  -0.3520   -0.43%    48  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Curves/Weierstrass/AffineProofs.v.html                            │
│   4.1430    3.7930  -0.3500   -8.45%   275  coq-category-theory/Construction/Comma/Adjunction.v.html                                           │
│  27.5140   27.1720  -0.3420   -1.24%    68  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/rupicola/bedrock2/deps/riscv-coq/src/riscv/Proofs/VerifyDecode.v.html │
│  23.5820   23.2610  -0.3210   -1.36%   296  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/EdwardsXYZT.v.html                         │
│  24.4920   24.1770  -0.3150   -1.29%    49  coq-fiat-crypto-with-bedrock/src/Curves/Weierstrass/AffineProofs.v.html                            │