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autorewrite is arbitrarily slow to fail in obvious cases #6101

Open JasonGross opened 6 years ago

JasonGross commented 6 years ago



Operating system


Description of the problem

Consider this code:

Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Axiom g : nat -> Prop.
Axiom f : forall a : nat, g a = False.
Axiom f' : forall a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20 : nat,
    g (a0 + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8 + a9 + a10 + a11 + a12 + a13 + a14 + a14 + a16 + a17 + a18 + a19 + a20) = False.

Definition bigt0 := ltac:(let t := eval vm_compute in Z.div_mod in exact t).

Ltac bigt' n :=
  lazymatch n with
  | 0 => constr:(bigt0 = bigt0)
  | S ?n => let v := bigt' n in
            constr:(v = v)
Ltac bigt n :=
  let v := bigt' n in
  eval cbv delta [bigt0] in v.
Notation big n := ltac:(let t := bigt n in exact t) (only parsing).

Axiom h : Prop -> Prop.
Axiom h' : forall a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 : big 11 = big 11,
    h (a0 = a1 /\ a2 = a3) = False.

Hint Rewrite
     f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f'
     f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f'
     f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f'
     f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f'
     f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f'
     f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f' f'
     : foo.
Hint Rewrite
     : hoo.

Goal True = True.
  Time autorewrite with foo.  (* 0.05 s *)
  Time autorewrite with hoo. (* 1.838 s *)

Note that Set Keyed Unification does not change the performance. The time of autorewrite with foo is dependent on how many arguments f' takes. The time of autorewrite with hoo grows exponentially with the argument to big, i.e., linearly with the term size of the arguments. This is absolute nonsense, and is a real bottleneck in fiat-crypto's src/Arithmetic/Core.v file. If the rewrite hint ends in an equality, and the LHS (RHS for <- hints) is headed by a global constant which does not appear anywhere in the goal, having that hint in the rewrite db should be free.

ppedrot commented 6 years ago

So the cost comes from the function Equality.instantiate_lemma, and more precisely its subcall to reduce_to_quantified_ind that keeps headish-normalizing your big term (it's calling simpl, AFAIU). I don't know how easily we can tweak that, I need to understand the invariants first.

JasonGross commented 6 years ago

that keeps headish-normalizing your big term (it's calling simpl, AFAIU)

Ew, really? I am failing to find a case that relies on simpl flags, though. Is there one?

ppedrot commented 6 years ago

You always have the problem of refolding fixpoints, so if ever you define some equality relation by a fixpoint over some inductive data structure, not having simpl is going to potentially leave the fixpoint unfolded in the body, which can be not pleasant. I agree that this is a very rare case though.

Actually, there is also a call to beta-iota reduction after that simpl pass, for the holy backward compatibility, and I think that this is the one that causes trouble in your instance.

JasonGross commented 6 years ago

Getting the hnf with refolding should still permit lazy evaluation of the arguments, in theory, right?

Anyway, maybe I should post the actual example. It's a lot more code, but if the solution requires fiddling with the reduction engine, not just adding a fast path that keys on head constants, then it's probably important to have the actual lemmas I'm having trouble with and not this fake minimized test case. (The case I'm actually running into looks a lot more like foo than hoo.)

JasonGross commented 6 years ago

relation by a fixpoint over some inductive data structure, not having simpl is going to potentially leave the fixpoint unfolded in the body, which can be not pleasant

I still think a fast path should be possible. Compute the headish inductive at Hint Rewrite time. If you can't, mark it as dynamic; otherwise cache it. Then we pay the cost only once. If need be, put this behavior behind a flag or database attribute.

mattam82 commented 6 years ago

Does Unset/Set Refolding Reduction change anything, by any chance? I think I have examples in Equations suffering from the same performance problem as well but didn’t investigate yet.

ppedrot commented 6 years ago

After a cursory glance, I'm under the terrible impression that the code of autorewrite doesn't use at all the underlying discrimination net and tries to rewrite with every hint in the base... The only part that actually takes advantage of the net is the hint strategy (as in rewrite strategies).

maximedenes commented 6 years ago

I'm always very confused about all this. Isn't autorewrite subsumed by rewrite_strat? Wouldn't switching to it improve the situation? Sorry, this is a very naive question.

ppedrot commented 6 years ago

@maximedenes The least I can say is that autorewrite is a derelict piece of code that is on par with plugins when it comes to maintenance...

maximedenes commented 6 years ago

Well the manual says about autorewrite:

"As a drawback of the re-engineering of the code, this tactic has also been completely revised to get a very compact and readable version."

I guess the drawback has been resolved since then, and we are back to unreadable code :)

ppedrot commented 6 years ago

@maximedenes The comment seems to be at least from 2001 by David Delahaye (26d8f21), I'd probably take the qualification readable with a bit of prehistorical salt...

maximedenes commented 6 years ago

You mean in these ancient times, being readable was a drawback? :)

mattam82 commented 6 years ago

I completely forgot about that actually, now I remember why I added support for efficient rewriting with standard equality to setoid_rewrite was in good part because this could provide a replacement to autorewrite... I think not much is missing to do that, mainly experiments. This one is a good test actually.

maximedenes commented 6 years ago

Does it mean the documentation should be updated, autorewrite deprecated, etc?

mattam82 commented 6 years ago

Well, once we're sure that indeed it can be replaced, yes. I think autorewrite should just become an alias for a particular "rewrite_strat" call.

maximedenes commented 6 years ago

Well, once we're sure that indeed it can be replaced, yes.

What is it that we need to know exactly? If it is always at least as efficient? Do you already know if it provides all the autorewrite functionality?

mattam82 commented 6 years ago

It can be made to employ exactly the same (dumb) strategy for sure, it can handle with and using, and I think side-condition tactics as well (I have to check). The next step is just trying and branching autorewrite to the code of rewrite_strat and seeing if there are any incompatibilities.

maximedenes commented 6 years ago

The next step is just trying and branching autorewrite to the code of rewrite_strat and seeing if there are any incompatibilities.

Sounds very good. Can you create an issue so that we don't forget this time? And so that we can sync, in case some of us have time to experiment with it.

mattam82 commented 6 years ago

Yes, I have 3 minutes so should be able to do it :)

JasonGross commented 6 years ago

@maximedenes re subsumed:

JasonGross commented 6 years ago


Does Unset/Set Refolding Reduction change anything, by any chance?

No. Or, at least, it seems within the range of noise from 3 iterations.