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Typos and comments in "The Tactic Language" #7583

Open jfehrle opened 6 years ago

jfehrle commented 6 years ago

(upon my first reading ever; I've not used Ltac.)

Starting at

no backslashes

The text for the main example (The expressions expri are evaluated to vi, for i=0,…,n and all have to be tactics.) seems like it doesn't apply to all the variants, eg it doesn't apply to Variant [> expr .. ]. The indentation of the variants suggests otherwise.

I don't understand the indexing. It looks to me like v0 is idtac and v1 is auto. Shouldn't this diagram require an initial | to match the grammar? image Furthermore, the grammar doesn't seem to permit [> idtac | auto ].

How about using expr1, expr2 and expr3 in the diagram? Then the text is shorter and easier to understand since you don't need "the first list of" and "the last list of".


Seems like token is meant as a formatting instruction.

I don't see .. in the grammar. The Gallina lexical conventions only mention that it is a token. Nor does it seem to be a typo for .... This is in used several places right here. Or should the grammar have .. on its second and third lines? But it seems like ... just means repetition in the grammar. Perhaps ... for repetition could be rendered a little differently in the grammar?


Simpler to say "expr1 is applied to each of the goals independently, then each of the expr2 is applied to the list of goals generated by expr1. The number of expr2 must be the same as the number of goals generated by expr1."

doesn't appear in the grammar. I expected expr was the start symbol for this portion of the grammar (or at least the only thing in this portion that's referenced by the part of the overall grammar not shown in this section). Maybe need another symbol at the top of the grammar with ::= expr | toplevel_selector : expr | selector : expr?

For readability, I think the order of descriptions should closely match the order of productions in the grammar. The previous section "Local application of tactics" is at the top of the grammer, which "Goal selectors" is at the botom. There are other examples, hope someone will check the entire section on this point.

There is no "for" construct, how about calling this a "do loop" or just a loop?

The ident form is not described.

The grammar appears to require parentheses. Which is right?


Hard to understand. Also, need a description for the natural form.

I think "(" and ")" should be "[" and "]" but they appear to be metacharacters, not literals. And "|" is a metacharacter here whereas elsewhere it is a literal character. The "(natural | ident)" appears twice places in the grammar, maybe define it a production.

Not in the grammar.

I think these are 3 separate productions in the grammar. It's confusing to overload the "|" to mean grammatical alternatives in some places and the literal character in others.

Here "[" is used as a metacharacter whereas it is a literal in "| expr ; [ expr | ... | expr ]" Confusing.

gfail is not mentioned in the grammar

Need [ ] around "string" in the first quote

time_constr is not in the grammar

looks incorrect (with ... with??) and doesn't match the syntax in "Local definitions". Probably need a new way to mark repetitions.

atom or "( expr )", etc.

OK, I stopped at "Applications" Surely more grammar stuff to fix up.

jfehrle commented 6 years ago

Here's the rest:

Could you explain what an application is? "expri" doesn't appear in the syntax diagram "qualid tacarg+"

How about a hyperlink for cpattern such as in Pattern matching on terms? Maybe add a comment in the main grammar adjacent to "term". And add a hyperlink for atomic_tactic, which appears not to be mentioned anywhere else in the document (or maybe remove it?). The hyperlinks for "natural" and "term" just above the quoted text jumps to the ssreflect chapter when it should go to the gallina chaper.

Is this the definition of non-linear matching? I've seen the term but not a definition, seems like that should appear in the documentation somewhere.

The first two paragraphs here are very dense and much of them seems like advanced details compared to paragraphs 3-5. Maybe start with a simple statement about matching and move the more advanced details down a bit. Matching is clearly very central to Ltac. Most every ltac user will want to read it multiple times. It deserves a clear and full explanation, perhaps with more example.

How about a hyperlink for "binder"? Looking elsewhere in the document, I find one in that leads to the SSReflect chapter. If it's also used in Ltac, it should be explained in a more-general section of the doc such as the Gallina chapter.

Ah, sounds sort of sensible but the details are pretty unclear. Would be better if it was not just one very long sentence. "subsequent tactics" means subsequent patterns within the match construct, right? I don't get the part about consuming backtracking points. Where is the concept of a backtracking point introduced? I can guess what's intended, but it would be a lot better to define it somewhere and list it in the index. Of course, I've seen little conceptual material in the doc so far (still a lot for me to read).

Probably could leave out "will perform the same pattern matching procedure" Start with the main difference in lazymatch: "will commit to the first matching branch rather than trying a new matching if the right-hand side fails."

What are scopes and scoping rules for a "local" definition? Please briefly contrast to how you create global definitions. (And isn't there some kind of module feature, too? How does that interact with both of these.)

After 10 minutes of examination, still pretty unclear on what this does and why it would be used. Is seems the example is recursive. It would help a lot to give a sentence or three explaining how the example works--it may make perfect sense if you already know the feature. It seems the use of 3+4 is to show how it won't match on the 4, and that the idtac is printing X as it recurs.

Use expr1 and expr2. The text already uses expr1; change the other reference to expr2.

Also, this pattern doesn't cover all the possible context_rule productions in the grammar.

maybe just "first to last" since the patterns may on separate lines. Also, I can't make sense of the parenthetical comment; it's more complicated than sentence it's trying to elaborate on.

position Also, is "4.2" intended to be a hyperlink? It doesn't go anywhere interesting.

Any way to get the columns to line up in the example? Maybe it had tab characters?

Zimmi48 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for opening this issue. It is very interesting to get feedback from a user who discovers Ltac through the manual (and very rare to get such kind of feedback because people are usually less confident about opening issues when they are beginning). However, in the current state your feedback is hard to address because it contains so many items. In order to reduce the number of items to address, it would help if you could open a PR with your suggestions of modifications when you have some (for instance typos or rewording where you have a proposal, and then edit this message to remove the corresponding items). Then there is also the mixing between problems originating from the Sphinx migration (e.g. hard-coded reference "4.2") and problems whose origin is older than that (bad formulation, unclear example). To check if an error comes from the Sphinx migration or was there before, a good strategy can be to have a look at the previous version of the manual In the case of the hard-coded reference, the "4.2" was a "9.2" there and it pointed the definition of idtac. Fixing this just means removing the "4.2" and using:


in the text to have idtac clickable. (See also the doc of the Sphinx manual at

The text for the main example (The expressions expri are evaluated to vi, for i=0,…,n and all have to be tactics.) seems like it doesn't apply to all the variants, eg it doesn't apply to Variant [> expr .. ]. The indentation of the variants suggests otherwise.

We've tried to systematically indent variants (so that one can clearly see of what it is a variant, but indeed the first paragraph is generally a description of the tactic / tactical / command above and not of all the variants below). Maybe this was a bad strategy? This should anyways be discussed in a separate issue because this is a much more general question.

I don't understand the indexing. It looks to me like v0 is idtac and v1 is auto. Shouldn't this diagram require an initial | to match the grammar?

There is indeed an inconsistency in "The expressions expri are evaluated to vi, for i=0,...,n and all have to be tactics. The vi is applied to the i-th goal, for =1,...,n. It fails if the number of focused goals is not exactly n." In both case, i should start at 1. However, this is again an artifact of the migration (see the original there In the new version, it would make sense not to talk about these ranges.

Furthermore, the grammar doesn't seem to permit [> idtac | auto ].

It actually does. The | character is a separator. However, the current presentation is incomplete because it doesn't include the case of now tactic being passed so it should actually be:

tacn:: [> {*, {? @expr } } ]

(Notice the additional {? which makes the inner expression optional.)

How about using expr1, expr2 and expr3 in the diagram? Then the text is shorter and easier to understand since you don't need "the first list of" and "the last list of".

That's not really supported at the current time but it would be interesting to open an issue to discuss this missing feature. Indeed, it could often come in handy.

Seems like token is meant as a formatting instruction.

Indeed, an initial : is missing before token.

I don't see .. in the grammar. The Gallina lexical conventions only mention that it is a token. Nor does it seem to be a typo for .... This is in used several places right here. Or should the grammar have .. on its second and third lines? But it seems like ... just means repetition in the grammar. Perhaps ... for repetition could be rendered a little differently in the grammar?

I agree with this remark. The three-dot character … is used in some places in the manual and could be used more frequently in place of ..., in particular in this grammar. This could help.

toplevel_selector : expr doesn't appear in the grammar. I expected expr was the start symbol for this portion of the grammar (or at least the only thing in this portion that's referenced by the part of the overall grammar not shown in this section). Maybe need another symbol at the top of the grammar with ::= expr | toplevel_selector : expr | selector : expr?

Yes, these are full tactic sentences. An extension of the sentence symbol described here I don't know what to do about this. I think discussing all the grammars present in the manual would deserve its own issue.

do num expr The ident form is not described.

I just discovered its existence. It can be used like this:

Goal True.
let n := 10 in do n idtac.

The grammar appears to require parentheses. Which is right?

Again, there is a confusion in the use of parentheses in the grammar: in this case, it is a way of showing the various options, like in do (natural | ident) tacexpr3 and the symbol ( is not used. Probably a question to discuss in this specific issue on grammars in the manual...

Error No such goal

This could use a description indeed. At the present time a lot of errors in the manual are listed without being properly documented. Here, an example where you can see this error is Goal True. 2: idtac.

Also, need a description for the natural form.

Using natural sometimes and num sometimes was (AFAICT) an inconsistency which has already been fixed in most places but probably not in the grammar. So everywhere there is still natural, it should become num.

looks incorrect (with ... with??) and doesn't match the syntax in "Local definitions". Probably need a new way to mark repetitions.

Actually, this is the way of marking repetitions with separators, see

How about a hyperlink for "binder"? Looking elsewhere in the document, I find one in that leads to the SSReflect chapter. If it's also used in Ltac, it should be explained in a more-general section of the doc such as the Gallina chapter.

There should be an hyperlink if it had been written like this:


Regarding the reference to the SSReflect chapter, see this bug report: #7432

jfehrle commented 6 years ago

Indeed, a myriad of details.

I've been told that improving the documentation is currently a priority. When I'm at the CIW next week, I'd like to understand the plan and if/how my comments may fit into that.

Are there already designated owners/reviewers for each part of the Sphinx doc? Are there instructions on how to run Sphinx locally to review the output (in particular, on Windows)?

Then there is also the mixing between problems originating from the Sphinx migration (e.g. hard-coded reference "4.2") and problems whose origin is older than that (bad formulation, unclear example).

Why does the distinction matter?

Zimmi48 commented 6 years ago

I've been told that improving the documentation is currently a priority. When I'm at the CIW next week, I'd like to understand the plan and if/how my comments may fit into that.

The "plan" is not well fully known, but improvements are possible even before we get one.

Are there already designated owners/reviewers for each part of the Sphinx doc?

Because of the recent migration, the main owner is currently @maximedenes for the full thing because he supervised the migration. But when the main Sphinx migration artifacts have been fixed, we should switch to a component-based maintainer model. In the meantime we can still request reviews from competent people such as @ppedrot, @herbelin and @JasonGross on the Ltac topic.

  Are there instructions on how to run Sphinx locally to review the output (in particular, on Windows)?

You can find the dependencies in INSTALL.doc. The target is make sphinx. The Sphinx docs should be pretty cross-platform (since this is Python-based). Report any problem you have on Windows.

Why does the distinction matter?

Because the competent people won't be the same if the question is about the format or about the contents.

jfehrle commented 6 years ago

It might be interesting to see how often each page of the documentation is accessed. It would be intesting to see how many people use it and what sections get the most hits. Of course, it depends on whether Inria's webserver keeps such statistics.

Zimmi48 commented 6 years ago

It is on a server administrated from within the development team and I doubt that such statistics are collected. Though maybe there are log files this kind of info can be extracted from.

jfehrle commented 6 years ago

How do I set up the required packages for Sphinx for Windows? I'm looking at INSTALL.doc.

which don't obviously correspond to anything in

pip3 install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme beautifulsoup4 antlr4-python3-runtime pexpect sphinxcontrib-bibtex

Are they part of sphinxcontrib-bibtex? (Oh I guess they're all binaries to be installed independently.)

Zimmi48 commented 6 years ago

You don't need any of these packages if you only compile Sphinx and not the full documentation. Only the python3 ones (and yes, any minor version should probably be OK, but I'm not fully sure).

jfehrle commented 6 years ago

Regarding INSTALL.doc:

jfehrle commented 6 years ago

Also unclear what's the difference between make doc-html and 'make sphinx'.

jfehrle commented 6 years ago

OK, it appears that's it's my GUI (IntelliJ) that looks at the .doc suffix and decides it must be a Word file. Trying to figure out if I can turn that off. It also affects Makefile.doc.

Zimmi48 commented 6 years ago

I agree these .doc extensions are quite unfortunate. In the case of INSTALL.doc we could solve this issue by turning the file into a Markdown file. Documentation is more than the user manual, it also includes the standard library coqdoc-generated documentation and the man pages. So moving everything inside doc/sphinx wouldn't make sense and this explains also the difference between the sphinx target and the doc-html target.

Zimmi48 commented 6 years ago

Cf. #7783