coq / vscoq

Visual Studio Code extension for Coq
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Confusing behavior of "executed range" #810

Closed ybertot closed 2 months ago

ybertot commented 3 months ago

With the following file as playground.

Require Import List Reals.
Open Scope R_scope.

Definition fib_aux :=
  nat_rect (fun _ => list R) (0 :: 1 :: nil)
    (fun _ v => (nth 1 v 0 :: nth 0 v 0 + nth 1 v 0 :: nil))

Definition fib (n : nat) : R :=
  nth 0 (fib_aux n) 0.

Lemma big_fib1 : fib 10 = 55.
unfold fib; simpl; ring.

Lemma big_fib : fib 11 = 89.
unfold fib; simpl.

With Vscoq>Proof:Mode set to settings. When I do alt-rightarrow to line 14, then alt-downarrow, then 4 times alt-uparrow, I get the "executed zone" colored down to line 15 (should be to line 11 or 12).

Here is an animation showing this unwanted behavior