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[Bug] ValueError when running inference with trained OverFlow model #2302

Closed Ca-ressemble-a-du-fake closed 1 year ago

Ca-ressemble-a-du-fake commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug


I could train OverFlow model from scratch on my own dataset (22050 Hz samples). But when I try to check its output via tts --text "Bonjour les amis" --model_path /home/caraduf/Models/Overflow/Test_Overflow_22kHz-January-20-2023_06+19PM-0000000/checkpoint_1500.pth --config_path /home/caraduf/Models/Overflow/Test_Overflow_22kHz-January-20-2023_06+19PM-0000000/config.json --vocoder_name vocoder_models/en/ljspeech/hifigan_v2 --out_path test_own_overflow.wav I get a ValueError :

 > vocoder_models/en/ljspeech/hifigan_v2 is already downloaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/coquienv/bin/tts", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/TTS/TTS/bin/", line 316, in main
    synthesizer = Synthesizer(
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/TTS/TTS/utils/", line 75, in __init__
    self._load_tts(tts_checkpoint, tts_config_path, use_cuda)
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/TTS/TTS/utils/", line 108, in _load_tts
    self.tts_config = load_config(tts_config_path)
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/TTS/TTS/config/", line 96, in load_config
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/coquienv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/coqpit/", line 694, in from_dict
    self = self.deserialize(data)  # pylint: disable=self-cls-assignment
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/coquienv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/coqpit/", line 412, in deserialize
    value = _deserialize(value, field.type)
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/coquienv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/coqpit/", line 284, in _deserialize
    return _deserialize_list(x, field_type)
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/coquienv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/coqpit/", line 221, in _deserialize_list
    return [_deserialize(xi, field_arg) for xi in x]
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/coquienv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/coqpit/", line 221, in <listcomp>
    return [_deserialize(xi, field_arg) for xi in x]
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/coquienv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/coqpit/", line 288, in _deserialize
    return field_type.deserialize_immutable(x)
  File "/home/CoquiTTS/coquienv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/coqpit/", line 426, in deserialize_immutable
    raise ValueError()

I previously tested it with a checkpoint at 150k steps trained with 16kHz samples and had the same ValueError during inference.

Here is the config.json :

    "output_path": "/home/caraduf/Models/Overflow",
    "logger_uri": null,
    "run_name": "Test_Overflow_22kHz",
    "project_name": null,
    "run_description": "\ud83d\udc38Coqui trainer run.",
    "print_step": 1,
    "plot_step": 1,
    "model_param_stats": false,
    "wandb_entity": null,
    "dashboard_logger": "tensorboard",
    "log_model_step": null,
    "save_step": 500,
    "save_n_checkpoints": 5,
    "save_checkpoints": true,
    "save_all_best": false,
    "save_best_after": 10000,
    "target_loss": null,
    "print_eval": true,
    "test_delay_epochs": -1,
    "run_eval": true,
    "run_eval_steps": 100,
    "distributed_backend": "nccl",
    "distributed_url": "tcp://localhost:54321",
    "mixed_precision": true,
    "epochs": 20001,
    "batch_size": 32,
    "eval_batch_size": 16,
    "grad_clip": 40000.0,
    "scheduler_after_epoch": true,
    "lr": 0.001,
    "optimizer": "Adam",
    "optimizer_params": {
        "weight_decay": 1e-06
    "lr_scheduler": null,
    "lr_scheduler_params": {},
    "use_grad_scaler": false,
    "cudnn_enable": true,
    "cudnn_deterministic": false,
    "cudnn_benchmark": false,
    "training_seed": 54321,
    "model": "Overflow",
    "num_loader_workers": 4,
    "num_eval_loader_workers": 2,
    "use_noise_augment": false,
    "audio": {
        "fft_size": 1024,
        "win_length": 1024,
        "hop_length": 256,
        "frame_shift_ms": null,
        "frame_length_ms": null,
        "stft_pad_mode": "reflect",
        "sample_rate": 22050,
        "resample": false,
        "preemphasis": 0.0,
        "ref_level_db": 20,
        "do_sound_norm": false,
        "log_func": "np.log",
        "do_trim_silence": true,
        "trim_db": 60.0,
        "do_rms_norm": false,
        "db_level": null,
        "power": 1.5,
        "griffin_lim_iters": 60,
        "num_mels": 80,
        "mel_fmin": 0.0,
        "mel_fmax": 8000,
        "spec_gain": 1.0,
        "do_amp_to_db_linear": true,
        "do_amp_to_db_mel": true,
        "pitch_fmax": 640.0,
        "pitch_fmin": 1.0,
        "signal_norm": false,
        "min_level_db": -100,
        "symmetric_norm": true,
        "max_norm": 4.0,
        "clip_norm": true,
        "stats_path": null
    "use_phonemes": true,
    "phonemizer": "espeak",
    "phoneme_language": "fr-fr",
    "compute_input_seq_cache": false,
    "text_cleaner": "multilingual_cleaners",
    "enable_eos_bos_chars": false,
    "test_sentences_file": "",
    "phoneme_cache_path": "/home/caraduf/Models/Overflow/Test_Overflow_22kHz-January-20-2023_06+19PM-0000000/phoneme_cache",
    "characters": {
        "characters_class": "TTS.tts.utils.text.characters.IPAPhonemes",
        "vocab_dict": null,
        "pad": "<PAD>",
        "eos": "<EOS>",
        "bos": "<BOS>",
        "blank": "<BLNK>",
        "characters": "iy\u0268\u0289\u026fu\u026a\u028f\u028ae\u00f8\u0258\u0259\u0275\u0264o\u025b\u0153\u025c\u025e\u028c\u0254\u00e6\u0250a\u0276\u0251\u0252\u1d7b\u0298\u0253\u01c0\u0257\u01c3\u0284\u01c2\u0260\u01c1\u029bpbtd\u0288\u0256c\u025fk\u0261q\u0262\u0294\u0274\u014b\u0272\u0273n\u0271m\u0299r\u0280\u2c71\u027e\u027d\u0278\u03b2fv\u03b8\u00f0sz\u0283\u0292\u0282\u0290\u00e7\u029dx\u0263\u03c7\u0281\u0127\u0295h\u0266\u026c\u026e\u028b\u0279\u027bj\u0270l\u026d\u028e\u029f\u02c8\u02cc\u02d0\u02d1\u028dw\u0265\u029c\u02a2\u02a1\u0255\u0291\u027a\u0267\u02b2\u025a\u02de\u026b",
        "punctuations": "!'(),-.:;? ",
        "phonemes": null,
        "is_unique": false,
        "is_sorted": true
    "add_blank": false,
    "batch_group_size": 0,
    "loss_masking": null,
    "min_audio_len": 512,
    "max_audio_len": 200000,
    "min_text_len": 10,
    "max_text_len": 500,
    "compute_f0": false,
    "compute_linear_spec": false,
    "precompute_num_workers": 4,
    "start_by_longest": true,
    "shuffle": false,
    "drop_last": false,
    "datasets": [
                "formatter": "ljspeech",
                "dataset_name": "Own_1",
                "path": "/home/caraduf/Datasets/22kHz/Own_1_22.05kHz_dataset",
                "meta_file_train": "metadata.csv",
                "ignored_speakers": null,
                "language": "fr-fr",
                "meta_file_val": "",
                "meta_file_attn_mask": ""
                "formatter": "ljspeech",
                "dataset_name": "Own_2",
                "path": "/home/caraduf/Datasets/22kHz/Own_2_22.05kHz_dataset",
                "meta_file_train": "metadata.csv",
                "ignored_speakers": null,
                "language": "fr-fr",
                "meta_file_val": "",
                "meta_file_attn_mask": ""
                "formatter": "ljspeech",
                "dataset_name": "Own_3",
                "path": "/home/caraduf/Datasets/22kHz/Own_2_22.05kHz_dataset",
                "meta_file_train": "metadata.csv",
                "ignored_speakers": null,
                "language": "fr-fr",
                "meta_file_val": "",
                "meta_file_attn_mask": ""
    "test_sentences": [
        "Il m'a fallu du temps pour obtenir cette voix, alors je ne vais pas me taire!",
        "Salut c'est l'\u00e9t\u00e9, on va s'\u00e9clater",
        "Mais son age rendait cette derni\u00e8re qualit\u00e9 plus saillante!"
    "eval_split_max_size": null,
    "eval_split_size": 0.01,
    "use_speaker_weighted_sampler": false,
    "speaker_weighted_sampler_alpha": 1.0,
    "use_language_weighted_sampler": false,
    "language_weighted_sampler_alpha": 1.0,
    "use_length_weighted_sampler": false,
    "length_weighted_sampler_alpha": 1.0,
    "force_generate_statistics": false,
    "mel_statistics_parameter_path": "/home/caraduf/Models/Overflow/Test_Overflow_22kHz-January-20-2023_06+19PM-0000000/",
    "num_chars": 131,
    "state_per_phone": 2,
    "encoder_in_out_features": 512,
    "encoder_n_convolutions": 3,
    "out_channels": 80,
    "ar_order": 1,
    "sampling_temp": 0.334,
    "deterministic_transition": true,
    "duration_threshold": 0.55,
    "use_grad_checkpointing": true,
    "max_sampling_time": 1000,
    "prenet_type": "original",
    "prenet_dim": 256,
    "prenet_n_layers": 2,
    "prenet_dropout": 0.5,
    "prenet_dropout_at_inference": false,
    "memory_rnn_dim": 1024,
    "outputnet_size": [
    "flat_start_params": {
        "mean": 0.0,
        "std": 1.0,
        "transition_p": 0.14
    "std_floor": 0.01,
    "hidden_channels_dec": 150,
    "kernel_size_dec": 5,
    "dilation_rate": 1,
    "num_flow_blocks_dec": 12,
    "num_block_layers": 4,
    "dropout_p_dec": 0.05,
    "num_splits": 4,
    "num_squeeze": 2,
    "sigmoid_scale": false,
    "c_in_channels": 0,
    "r": 1,
    "use_d_vector_file": false,
    "use_speaker_embedding": false,
    "github_branch": "inside_docker"

If I try the default command tts --text "Hello world!" --model_name tts_models/en/ljspeech/overflow --vocoder_name vocoder_models/en/ljspeech/hifigan_v2 --out_path output.wav I get the wav output as expected.

To Reproduce

Train OverFlow model with the provided recipe.

Wait for a checkpoint to be written.

Run an inference on that checkpoint with tts --text "Bonjour les amis" --model_path /home/caraduf/Models/Overflow/Test_Overflow_22kHz-January-20-2023_06+19PM-0000000/checkpoint_1500.pth --config_path /home/caraduf/Models/Overflow/Test_Overflow_22kHz-January-20-2023_06+19PM-0000000/config.json --vocoder_name vocoder_models/en/ljspeech/hifigan_v2 --out_path test_own_overflow.wav

A ValueError appears and no wav is written to disk.

Expected behavior

A wav file should be written to disk.


No response


    "CUDA": {
        "GPU": [
            "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090"
        "available": true,
        "version": "11.7"
    "Packages": {
        "PyTorch_debug": false,
        "PyTorch_version": "1.13.0+cu117",
        "TTS": "0.10.0",
        "numpy": "1.22.4"
    "System": {
        "OS": "Linux",
        "architecture": [
        "processor": "x86_64",
        "python": "3.10.6",
        "version": "#64-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 5 11:43:13 UTC 2023"

Additional context

No response

Ca-ressemble-a-du-fake commented 1 year ago

Printing data object in coqpit deserialize_immutable method shows that datasets is a list instead of a dict. Actually when watching carefully at the generated config.json it shows "datasets": [ [ {...}, {...} ] ] instead of "datasets": [ {...}, {...} ]. Manually removing the useless [] solves the problem.

When training VITS these useless [] do not appear. So they are only generated while training OverFlow. So the culprit should be the function that generates the json from the recipe.

erogol commented 1 year ago

@shivammehta25 could you check this one?

shivammehta25 commented 1 year ago

Sure! You can assign it to me, I will take a look at it as soon as I can.

shivammehta25 commented 1 year ago

Hi! When training with a single dataset, I couldn't replicate the error. Could you please share the training script/recipe that you used for this? I feel there are extra brackets in the datasets than what is supposed to be in the config.json and the datasets parameter is populated in the training recipe.

Ca-ressemble-a-du-fake commented 1 year ago

Hi ! I used the recipe provided in the repo.

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

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