coqui-ai / TTS

🐸💬 - a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production
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No Module Named TTS [Bug] #3180

Closed pkmnjourney closed 10 months ago

pkmnjourney commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug

Hello, I've installed TTS on a fresh conda environment using pip and it would not work. Here is my code:

!pip install TTS
from TTS.api import TTS
tts = TTS("tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/xtts_v1", gpu=True)

And it results in the following error:

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], line 1
----> 1 from TTS.api import TTS
      2 tts = TTS("tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/xtts_v1", gpu=True)

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'TTS'

To Reproduce

Run earlier snippet in fresh conda environment.

Expected behavior

No response


No response


Python: 3.9
OS: Windows 10
GPU: Nvidia 1080Ti GPU
CUDA Version: 12.2

Here is my pip list:

absl-py                   2.0.0
accelerate                0.24.1
aiohttp                   3.8.6
aiosignal                 1.3.1
anyascii                  0.3.2
appdirs                   1.4.4
astroid                   2.7.3
async-timeout             4.0.3
attrs                     23.1.0
audioread                 3.0.1
Babel                     2.13.1
bangla                    0.0.2
black                     23.11.0
blinker                   1.7.0
bnnumerizer               0.0.2
bnunicodenormalizer       0.1.6
bokeh                     1.4.0
cachetools                5.3.2
certifi                   2023.7.22
cffi                      1.16.0
charset-normalizer        3.3.2
clean-fid                 0.1.35
click                     8.1.7
clip-anytorch             2.5.2
colorama                  0.4.6
contourpy                 1.2.0
coqpit                    0.0.17
coverage                  7.3.2
cutlet                    0.3.0
cycler                    0.12.1
Cython                    0.29.30
dateparser                1.1.8
decorator                 5.1.1
docker-pycreds            0.4.0
docopt                    0.6.2
einops                    0.6.1
encodec                   0.1.1
filelock                  3.13.1
Flask                     2.3.3
fonttools                 4.44.0
frozenlist                1.4.0
fsspec                    2023.6.0
ftfy                      6.1.1
fugashi                   1.3.0
g2pkk                     0.1.2
gitdb                     4.0.11
GitPython                 3.1.40
google-auth               2.23.4
google-auth-oauthlib      1.1.0
grpcio                    1.59.2
gruut                     2.2.3
gruut-ipa                 0.13.0
gruut-lang-de             2.0.0
gruut-lang-en             2.0.0
gruut-lang-es             2.0.0
gruut-lang-fr             2.0.2
hangul-romanize           0.1.0
huggingface-hub           0.17.3
idna                      3.4
imageio                   2.32.0
importlib-metadata        6.8.0
importlib-resources       6.1.1
inflect                   5.6.0
isort                     5.12.0
itsdangerous              2.1.2
jaconv                    0.3.4
jamo                      0.4.1
jieba                     0.42.1
Jinja2                    3.1.2
joblib                    1.3.2
jsonlines                 1.2.0
jsonmerge                 1.9.2
jsonschema                4.19.2
jsonschema-specifications 2023.7.1
k-diffusion               0.0.16
kiwisolver                1.4.5
kornia                    0.7.0
labelImg                  1.8.6
lazy_loader               0.3
lazy-object-proxy         1.9.0
librosa                   0.10.0
llvmlite                  0.40.1
Markdown                  3.5.1
MarkupSafe                2.1.3
matplotlib                3.7.3
mccabe                    0.6.1
mecab-python3             1.0.6
mojimoji                  0.0.12
more-itertools            10.1.0
mpmath                    1.3.0
msgpack                   1.0.7
multidict                 6.0.4
mypy-extensions           1.0.0
networkx                  2.8.8
nltk                      3.8.1
nose2                     0.14.0
num2words                 0.5.13
numba                     0.57.0
numpy                     1.22.0
oauthlib                  3.2.2
openai-whisper            20231106
packaging                 23.1
pandas                    1.5.3
pathspec                  0.11.2
Pillow                    9.3.0
pip                       23.3
platformdirs              3.11.0
pooch                     1.8.0
protobuf                  3.19.6
psutil                    5.9.6
pyasn1                    0.5.0
pyasn1-modules            0.3.0
PyAudio                   0.2.14
pycparser                 2.21
pylint                    2.10.2
pynndescent               0.5.10
pyparsing                 3.1.1
pypinyin                  0.49.0
pysbd                     0.3.4
python-crfsuite           0.9.9
python-dateutil           2.8.2
pytz                      2023.3.post1
PyYAML                    6.0.1
referencing               0.30.2
regex                     2023.10.3
requests                  2.31.0
requests-oauthlib         1.3.1
resampy                   0.4.2
resize-right              0.0.2
rpds-py                   0.12.0
rsa                       4.9
safetensors               0.4.0
scikit-image              0.22.0
scikit-learn              1.3.0
scipy                     1.11.3
sentry-sdk                1.34.0
setproctitle              1.3.3
setuptools                68.0.0
six                       1.16.0
smmap                     5.0.1
soundfile                 0.12.1
soxr                      0.3.7
SpeechRecognition         3.10.0
sympy                     1.12
tensorboard               2.15.1
tensorboard-data-server   0.7.2
tensorboardX              2.6
threadpoolctl             3.2.0
tifffile                  2023.9.26
tiktoken                  0.5.1
tokenizers                0.13.3
toml                      0.10.2
tomli                     2.0.1
torch                     2.1.0+cu118
torchaudio                2.1.0+cu118
torchdiffeq               0.2.3
torchsde                  0.2.6
torchvision               0.16.0+cu118
tornado                   6.3.3
tqdm                      4.64.1
trainer                   0.0.20
trampoline                0.1.2
transformers              4.33.3
TTS                       0.20.2
typing_extensions         4.8.0
tzdata                    2023.3
tzlocal                   5.2
umap-learn                0.5.1
Unidecode                 1.3.7
unidic-lite               1.0.8
urllib3                   2.0.7
wandb                     0.16.0
wcwidth                   0.2.9
Werkzeug                  3.0.1
wheel                     0.41.2
wrapt                     1.12.1
yarl                      1.9.2
zipp                      3.17.0

### Additional context

_No response_
Lenos500 commented 10 months ago

Try cloning the github repository and putting folder and script you're using in the same directory then just follow the instructions they gave on how to load and use the model directly using a manual tts installation.

WeberJulian commented 10 months ago

Looks like you have the restart your IPython kernel so that it registers the pip install. Please reopen if you still have this issue.