Closed 54696d21 closed 3 years ago
Ok, the problem seems to exist because I don't supply and --encoder_config_path and --encoder_path Unfortunately I haven't found out yet how to get this encoder
ok, I figured it out
for everyone else having this problem: the encoder can be downloaded here:
tts --text 'Hello world!' --out_path out/out_1.wav --model_name tts_models/en/vctk/sc-glow-tts --vocoder_name vocoder_models/en/vctk/hifigan_v2 --speaker_wav 28.wav --encoder_config_path /home/user/TTS-de_v1/0.13/encoder/drive-download-20210430T024321Z-001/config.json --encoder_path /home/user/TTS-de_v1/0.13/encoder/drive-download-20210430T024321Z-001/checkpoint.pth.tar
that issue is resolved for me, but can please the error be something like "no encoder path and encoder config specified" for this error
on further inspection it seems to me that i'm poking around at a part of this package that wasn't meant to be used already so I'm closing this issue :)
huge props to the authors for putting putting this implementation out in the same month the preprint is published
is a NoneType for me, so it seems that self.speaker_encoder_ap wasn't initializedthe wav file im supplying is a 22050 mono file and it's path is correct
i'm running version 0.13
this works without a problem: