coral-xyz / sealevel-attacks

☠️ Common Security Exploits and Protections on Solana
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Is secure better than recommended? #8

Closed zfedoran closed 2 years ago

zfedoran commented 2 years ago

Each example contains 3 folders: insecure, recommended, and secure. It might be the alphabetical ordering, but it isn't quite clear which folder is "best".

One interpretation is that recommended means the minimum recommendation and that secure is better. The other is that secure is the minimum required to stop the attack but recommended is better.

Is recommended > secure or is secure > recommended.

edit: lol I'm not looking for an answer, I'm looking for a discussion whether it's just me having these thoughts and on how to make it more clear (if needed). My initial thoughts are adding a number to the folder name, or replacing secure with minimum, or a simple note on the

rahulsoshte2 commented 2 years ago

I think your question is answered here

zfedoran commented 2 years ago

@rahulsoshte2 Ha! Lol I didn’t see that issue. But I think this proves I’m not alone 😅