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Metafor function for multivariate mixed models #3

Open coraliewilliams opened 1 year ago

coraliewilliams commented 1 year ago

Background of function:

Standard meta-analytic models assume independence between the observed effect sizes or outcomes obtained from a set of studies. This assumption is often violated in practice. Dependencies can arise for a variety of reasons. For example, the sampling errors and/or true effects/outcomes may be correlated in multiple treatment studies (e.g., when multiple treatment groups are compared with a common control/reference group, such that the data from the control/reference group is used multiple times to compute the observed effect sizes or outcomes) or in multiple endpoint studies (e.g., when more than one effect size estimate or outcome is calculated based on the same sample of subjects due to the use of multiple endpoints or response variables).

Correlations in the true effects/outcomes can also arise due to other forms of clustering (e.g., when multiple effects/outcomes derived from the same author, lab, or research group may be more similar to each other than effects/outcomes derived from different authors, labs, or research groups). In ecology and related fields, the shared phylogenetic history among the organisms studied (e.g., plants, fungi, animals) can also induce correlations among the effects/outcomes. The rma.mvfunction can be used to fit suitable meta-analytic multivariate/multilevel models to such data, so that the non-independence in the effects/outcomes is accounted for. Network meta-analyses (also called multiple/mixed treatment comparisons) can also be carried out with this function.

coraliewilliams commented 1 year ago

Full link to source code:

# fixed/random/mixed-effects multivariate/multilevel model with:
#    - possibly one or multiple random intercepts (sigma2) with potentially known correlation matrices
#    - possibly correlated random effects for arms/groups/levels within studies (tau2 and rho for 1st term, gamma2 and phi for 2nd term)
# model also allows for correlated sampling errors via non-diagonal V matrix

# V      = variance-covariance matrix of the sampling errors
# sigma2 = (preset) value(s) for the variance of the random intercept(s)
# tau2   = (preset) value(s) for the variance of the random effects
# rho    = (preset) value(s) for the correlation(s) between random effects
# gamma2 = (preset) value(s) for the variance of the random effects
# phi    = (preset) value(s) for the correlation(s) between random effects

# structures when there is an '~ inner | outer' term in the random argument:
# - CS   (compound symmetry)
# - HCS  (heteroscedastic compound symmetry)
# - UN   (general positive-definite matrix with no structure)
# - UNR  (general positive-definite correlation matrix with a single tau2/gamma2 value)
# - AR   (AR1 structure with a single tau2/gamma2 value and autocorrelation rho/phi)
# - HAR  (heteroscedastic AR1 structure with multiple tau2/gamma2 values and autocorrelation rho/phi)
# - CAR  (continuous time AR1 structure)
# - ID   (same as CS but with rho/phi=0)
# - DIAG (same as HCS but with rho/phi=0)
# - SPEXP/SPGAU/SPLIN/SPRAT/SPSPH (spatial structures: exponential, gaussian, linear, rational quadratic, spherical)
# - GEN (general positive-definite matrix for an arbitrary number of predictors)
# - PHYBM/PHYPL/PHYPD (phylogenetic structures: Brownian motion, Pagel's lambda, Pagel's delta)`

`   ### in case user specifies v (instead of V), verbose is set to v, which is non-sensical
   ### - if v is set to the name of a variable in 'data', it won't be found; can check for
   ###   this with try() and inherits(verbose, "try-error")
   ### - if v is set to vi or var (or anything else that might be interpreted as a function),
   ###   then can catch this by checking if verbose is a function

   verbose <- try(verbose, silent=TRUE)

   if (inherits(verbose, "try-error") || is.function(verbose) || length(verbose) != 1L || !(is.logical(verbose) || is.numeric(verbose)))
      stop(mstyle$stop("Argument 'verbose' must be a scalar (logical or numeric/integer)."))

   ### set options(warn=1) if verbose > 2

   if (verbose > 2) {
      opwarn <- options(warn=1)
      on.exit(options(warn=opwarn$warn), add=TRUE)

[ ......... ]

Specifying V and W:

  ### some checks on V (and turn V into a diagonal matrix if it is a column/row vector)

   if (is.null(V))
      stop(mstyle$stop("Must specify 'V' argument."))

   ### catch cases where 'V' is the utils::vi() function

   if (identical(V, utils::vi))
      stop(mstyle$stop("Variable specified for 'V' argument cannot be found."))

   if (is.list(V) && ! {

      ### list elements may be data frames (or scalars), so coerce to matrices

      V <- lapply(V, as.matrix)

      ### check that all elements are square

      if (any(!sapply(V, .is.square)))
         stop(mstyle$stop("All list elements in 'V' must be square matrices."))

      ### turn list into block-diagonal (sparse) matrix

      if (sparse) {
         V <- bdiag(V)
      } else {
         V <- bldiag(V)


   ### check if user constrained V to 0 (can skip a lot of the steps below then)

   if ((.is.vector(V) && length(V) == 1L && V == 0) || (.is.vector(V) && length(V) == k && !anyNA(V) && all(V == 0))) {
      V0 <- TRUE
   } else {
      V0 <- FALSE

   ### turn V into a diagonal matrix if it is a column/row vector
   ### note: if V is a scalar (e.g., V=0), then this will turn V into a kxk
   ### matrix with the value of V along the diagonal

   if (V0 || .is.vector(V) || nrow(V) == 1L || ncol(V) == 1L) {
      if (sparse) {
         V <- Diagonal(k, as.vector(V))
      } else {
         V <- diag(as.vector(V), nrow=k, ncol=k)

   ### turn V into a matrix if it is a data frame

   if (
      V <- as.matrix(V)

   ### remove row and column names (important for isSymmetric() function)
   ### (but only do this if V has row/column names to avoid making an unnecessary copy)

   if (!is.null(dimnames(V)))
      V <- unname(V)

   ### check whether V is square and symmetric (can skip when V0)

   if (!V0 && !.is.square(V))
      stop(mstyle$stop("'V' must be a square matrix."))

   if (!V0 && !isSymmetric(V)) ### note: copy of V is made when doing this
      stop(mstyle$stop("'V' must be a symmetric matrix."))

   ### check length of yi and V

   if (nrow(V) != k)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Length of 'yi' (", k, ") and length/dimensions of 'V' (", nrow(V), ") is not the same.")))

   ### force V to be sparse when sparse=TRUE (and V is not yet sparse)

   if (sparse && inherits(V, "matrix"))
      V <- Matrix(V, sparse=TRUE)

   ### check if V is numeric (but only for 'regular' matrices, since this is always FALSE for sparse matrices)

   if (inherits(V, "matrix") && !is.numeric(V))
      stop(mstyle$stop("The object/variable specified for the 'V' argument is not numeric."))

### process W if it was specified

   if (!is.null(W)) {

      ### turn W into a diagonal matrix if it is a column/row vector
      ### in general, turn W into A (arbitrary weight matrix)

      if (.is.vector(W) || nrow(W) == 1L || ncol(W) == 1L) {

         W <- as.vector(W)

         ### allow easy setting of W to a single value

         if (length(W) == 1L)
            W <- rep(W, k)

         A <- diag(W, nrow=length(W), ncol=length(W))

      } else {

         A <- W
