tl;dr Opened a PR just for sharing purpose. This does not work and is not ideal thus should never be merged.
I thought if we could specify iot server's hostname and/or port via argument for a launch file as following for example, it'd be convenient eps. during development where frequently switching servers.
For backward compatibility, and also for the future where we may want to pass a lot of parameter items, passing config yaml file needs to remain available.
Split param mechanism into another launch to avoid too much complication in the original iot.launch (although this commit ended up complicated it enough).
Simply this does not. if/unless logic of launch requires the value to be bool.
$ roslaunch iot_bridge openhab_bridge.launch oh_server_host:=host_name_a
host_name_a is not a 'bool' type
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
Come to think of it, I've never seen launch files that allow both arg and config file for setting the same arg. So people might have tried but given up?
tl;dr Opened a PR just for sharing purpose. This does not work and is not ideal thus should never be merged.
Motivation I thought if we could specify iot server's hostname and/or port via argument for a launch file as following for example, it'd be convenient eps. during development where frequently switching servers.
(although this commit ended up complicated it enough).Result