corbado / example-passkeys-nuxtjs

This is a sample repository of a Nuxt.js app that offers passkey authentication.
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Webcomponent types #2

Open chringel21 opened 1 month ago

chringel21 commented 1 month ago

I would like to use the webcomponent in a simple Nuxt application. Do you provide type definitions for @corbado/webcomponent?


vincentdelitz commented 1 month ago

@chringel21 we're actually about to release an updated version of our Nuxt.js blog post (probably by the beginning of next week). This blog post + example code uses then our new UI components (the successor of the web components). The example is written with TypeScript and we'll provide type definitions.

chringel21 commented 1 month ago

@vincentdelitz sound great! Thanks for your support!