Closed fire-bot closed 5 years ago
Looks like this embed points to an ASX file, an XML-style document that links to other media files like a playlist. The file does work when streamed through VLC, but not when downloaded, because that file doesn't spell out the full URL path:
<TITLE>Paul Miller - Composable Infrastructure</TITLE>
<TITLE>Composable Infrastructure/In the Idea Economy, IT is the business partner for value creation</TITLE>
<REF HREF="PM_CI_Slide_1-2.wmv" />
The best implementation would be for NoPlugin to process these as XML and display a list to the user, with each list item having the title (if available, or else fallback to file name) with a download button. This might need to be in a popup window, in cases where the embed would be too cramped.
If that's not viable, NoPlugin could treat ASX links the same way it does for livestream links: walk the user through opening it in VLC.
Hmm, there are a bunch of different playlist formats that could also be in use by some embeds:
It might be best to go the VLC approach first, and add a more complex playlist UI later. Maybe if NoPlugin can detect only one file in the playlist (like in the original example), it can try to play that in the page, otherwise the link gets handed off to VLC.
This feature is now rolling out as part of the 5.2 update.
Sent by Pradeep Danthi. Created by fire.
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