corbinlc / gnuroot

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can gnuroot be given root access #78

Open ahakra opened 8 years ago

ahakra commented 8 years ago

i have rooted device, and i was wondering if gnuroot can be given root access to run tashark/wireshark or any software that requires root access to Android software/hardwarde(pluging usb, etc..)

b9AcE commented 8 years ago

I would very much like for this to be implemented if it's not yet possible. My ideal combination in order of priority would be: 1) A GNU environment (commonly, incorrectly, called a "Linux environment") WITH root access active if available, because you know... most people that (by the original and true definition) hack around on their Androids tend to be rooted. 2) Gentoo (or even better, Funtoo) based for even more user control and local optimization capability. I hope that this app might be able to provide both.