corbo / TTN_Enschede_SDS011_Node

ESP32 SDS011 BME280
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Usage for #1

Open gymnae opened 5 years ago

gymnae commented 5 years ago

Hi, your code looks what I need to make use of my TTGO Esp32 and connect with the SDS011 and BME280 to send date to

Is this correct, or does it require more than "just" the sketch to be uploaded? Cheers

corbo commented 5 years ago

Hi Gymnae, The code is intended to send data to a local application, not So the data format might be different from wat luftdata expects. Further, from what I remember, the processor can retrieve data from the sensors; PM and meteo, individually but not yet together. So it is still "work in progress". But you are welcome to use it as a start. Cordially, Cor

gymnae commented 5 years ago

Thank you for that info, maybe it's a good time to start learning to script and code properly without copy&paste solutions by others :)