corbosman / dovecot_ident

Roundcube Ident Plugin
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Webserver behind proxy? #4

Open ADDISON74 opened 8 years ago

ADDISON74 commented 8 years ago

My webserver is behind a proxy server. In this case REMOTE_ADDR is proxy server IP not visitor's IP. I checked you code which is pretty basic. In my case X_FORWARD_FOR keeps the real visitor's IP address. In the code bellow do I have to change both REMOTE_ADDR values to X_FORWARD_FOR? I did that and it is working as expected but I would like to know your opinion.

Thank you.


  * Plugin to add imap id
  * @version 1.0
  * @author Cor Bosman

class dovecot_ident extends rcube_plugin 

  function init()
    $this->add_hook('storage_connect', array($this, 'add_ident'));

  function add_ident($args)
    $args['ident'] = $args['ident'] ? array_merge($args['ident'], array('x-originating-ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
                                    : array('x-originating-ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    return $args;

xkill commented 5 years ago


I added the following code:

  function add_ident($args)
                $REAL_CLIENT_IP = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];
        } else {
                $REAL_CLIENT_IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

    $args['ident'] = $args['ident'] ? array_merge($args['ident'], array('x-originating-ip' => $REAL_CLIENT_IP))
                                                                        : array('x-originating-ip' => $REAL_CLIENT_IP);
    return $args;
micw commented 4 years ago

@xkill that could be a bad idea because you trust the header provided by the proxy or client. you should use which honors the proxy_whitelist config.

micw commented 4 years ago

Here's an updated version:


  * Plugin to add imap id
  * @version 1.0
  * @author Cor Bosman

class dovecot_ident extends rcube_plugin 

  function init()
    $this->add_hook('storage_connect', array($this, 'add_ident'));

  // copy of rcube_utils::remote_addr until is fixed
  function remote_addr()
        // Check if any of the headers are set first to improve performance
        if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) {
            $proxy_whitelist = rcube::get_instance()->config->get('proxy_whitelist', array());
            if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $proxy_whitelist)) {
                if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
                    foreach (array_reverse(explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) as $forwarded_ip) {
                        if (!in_array($forwarded_ip, $proxy_whitelist)) {
                            return $forwarded_ip;
                if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) {
                    return $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];
        if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
            return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        return '';

  function add_ident($args)
    $args['ident'] = $args['ident'] ? array_merge($args['ident'], array('x-originating-ip' => $this->remote_addr()))
                                                                        : array('x-originating-ip' => $this->remote_addr());
    return $args;
