corda / cordapp-template-kotlin

A Kotlin CorDapp Template. Extend it via the Hello, World tutorial:
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Corda 4 tutorial has syntax error #76

Open fuxiocteract opened 4 years ago

fuxiocteract commented 4 years ago

in CarFlow.kt

The following code doesn't work with current dependency for CollectSignatureFlow, FinalityFlow and ReceiveFinalityFlow, what should they actually be?

in CarFlow.kt, in CarIssueInitiator class, the tutorial has: val sessions = (carState.participants - ourIdentity).map { initiateFlow(it as Party) } val stx = subFlow(CollectSignaturesFlow(tx, sessions)) return subFlow(FinalityFlow(stx, sessions)) The last 2 lines has syntax error, CollectSignaturesFlow does not have an implementation taking a list of FlowSession, and FinalityFlow need to pass a ProgressTracker it seems, or convert sessions to Array

in CarIssueResponder class, the tutorial has return subFlow(ReceiveFinalityFlow(counterpartySession, txWeJustSignedId)) ReceiveFinalityFlow implementation does not has a version taking a FlowLogic as param.