cordova-plugin-facebook-connect / cordova-plugin-facebook-connect

Use the latest Facebook SDK in your Cordova and Ionic projects
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Android: can't install multiple apps w/same Facebook app (APP_ID) #100

Open sfeast opened 2 years ago

sfeast commented 2 years ago

[x ] I'm reporting a reproducible issue

Describe the Bug of feature request Expected that we can use the same Facebook app with multiple android apps. However when installing a 2nd app that uses the same Facebook app (APP_ID) Android throws this alert:


Expected Behavior

My understanding was that we should be able to use multiple apps with the same Facebook app. Especially since there is this feature for this use case (although I see it is for iOS).

Plugin version, OS, devices, etc Mac OS 11.6 Testing on Android emulator w/API level 30 cordova 10.0.0 cordova ios platform 10.1.1

Note I assume this is a facebook SDK issue rather than this plugin, but since didn't have this issue I'm wondering if this behavior is considered a bug.

flastowizka commented 2 years ago

The same problem here

sullivanets1 commented 2 years ago

I have this problem also, multiple different android apps using the same Facebook app id, using suffixes to return to the correct app afterwards.

I had been on until this last build, where I updated due to in app browser login being deprecated.

campagna91 commented 2 years ago

Same here :(

HCJSolutions commented 2 years ago

I found a temporary solution is add ${applicationId}

  1. modified the platforms\android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml find a node <provider android:authorities="${applicationId}123456789" android:exported="true" android:name="com.facebook.FacebookContentProvider" /> or
  2. change it at plugin folder plugins\cordova-plugin-facebook-connect\plugin.xml find the line <provider android:authorities="${applicationId}$APP_ID"
apren commented 2 years ago

Another temporary solution:

  1. Set any APP_ID, for example APP_ID = "app_package_name"
  2. After init app use code facebookConnectPlugin.setApplicationId('your_facebook_app_id');
michel-silva commented 2 months ago

Hi @apren and @HCJSolutions,

Thank you for sharing your solution. Could you share more details about how can use the temporary solution for this problem? I made some tries but nothing worked for me.