cordova-plugin-facebook-connect / cordova-plugin-facebook-connect

Use the latest Facebook SDK in your Cordova and Ionic projects
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Facebook Android SDK 11.3 crash in com.facebook.appevents.iap.InAppPurchaseBillingClientWrapper #102

Open pghoratiu opened 2 years ago

pghoratiu commented 2 years ago

Bug or feature request

[x] I'm reporting a reproducible issue with the code [ ] I'm reporting a feature request

Describe the Bug of feature request

There is an issue with the Facebook Android SDK version, the one bundled in the latest version of this plugin 3.2.0 - 11.3 crashes with this error in Firebase:

From what I could tell the bug is not present in Facebook Android SDK 11.2 or the future release 12.1 so the solution would be to either downgrade or upgrade.

I will test out downgrading and will come with further feedback.

bhaskar-se commented 2 years ago

hi @pghoratiu have you tried downgrading the version? and if you did then is it still crashing after downgrading the version?

marcelkipp commented 2 years ago

How can I downgrade the FB SDK Version, do you know if there is a way to specify the SDK when installing the Cordova-Plugin?

bhaskar-se commented 2 years ago

Hi @marcelkipp You can specify the SDK version on cordova dependencies on package.json like this.

      "cordova-plugin-facebook-connect": {
        "APP_ID": "SOME_ID",
        "APP_NAME": "SOME_NAME",
        "FACEBOOK_HYBRID_APP_EVENTS": "false",
        "FACEBOOK_AUTO_LOG_APP_EVENTS": "false",
        "OTHER_APP_SCHEMES": " ",
        "FACEBOOK_IOS_SDK_VERSION": "11.1.0",