cordova-plugin-facebook-connect / cordova-plugin-facebook-connect

Use the latest Facebook SDK in your Cordova and Ionic projects
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Facebook login fails when facebook app is installed #67

Closed ghonche closed 2 years ago

ghonche commented 3 years ago

Hi I'm facing this error when trying to login using facebook with android device:

facebook login error: there is an error in logging you into this application

I figured out this happens only when the facebook app is installed! It seems to be a common problem due to this issue. I have installed this plugin recently (before I used to use cordova-plugin-facebook4 and this didn't happen). any way, I'm not sure if this is a bug related to the facebook app or facebook-connect plugin but it will be a big help if you take a look.

hjfigueira commented 3 years ago

The same is thing is happening to me.

noahcooper commented 3 years ago

I cannot reproduce this issue. Can you try logging in with a Facebook account that is an app administrator? You should get a more detailed error message. I wonder if perhaps the key hash you entered on is not correct.

hjfigueira commented 3 years ago

It worked! Thanks and sorry for bothering you with such a common issue. I was using the web setup on firebase and haven't configured for android when I moved to native login. Now it's working fine.

Thanks once again.

noahcooper commented 2 years ago

Closing this issue, but feel free to open a new issue if you continue to encounter problems.