cordova-plugin-facebook-connect / cordova-plugin-facebook-connect

Use the latest Facebook SDK in your Cordova and Ionic projects
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Login in iOS loops between facebook pop up and facebook app #99

Closed deficts closed 2 years ago

deficts commented 2 years ago

I'm having trouble with login to my app, when trying the facebook login it opens up the popup and then it redirects you to the normal facebook app in the phone, when tapping "continue" in the facebook app it goes back to the popup and it loops between this two states without performing the login.

State 1 (Own app)

State 2 (Facebook app)

I'm using ionic with capacitor version 3.1.2 and the version 3.2.0 of this plugin

Thanks in advance for any help!

deficts commented 2 years ago

Found out what the issue was:

We had this key value in our info.plist


after removing <string>fbauth2</string>, the webview opens and you are able to enter your facebook credentials.

coldiary commented 2 years ago

Maybe I'd suggest reopening this issue. I don't think removing fbauth2 scheme is expected. On our side it prevents the native app to open for login.