Where appropriate, it replaces "AEAD nonce" with "nonce" and "AEAD key" with "key", consistent with the fact that the Group Encryption Algorithm might not be an AEAD algorithm.
For endpoints that use non-authenticated encryption, it makes A128CBC mandatory to implement as non-authenticated Group Encryption Algorithm.
It clarifies that the HKDF Algorithm must be an HMAC-based HKDF.
This PR addresses the comments from Christian Amsüss archived at https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/core/oQT5vcbEsui9fvf7P9QH4PEsX-c/
In addition to that:
Where appropriate, it replaces "AEAD nonce" with "nonce" and "AEAD key" with "key", consistent with the fact that the Group Encryption Algorithm might not be an AEAD algorithm.
For endpoints that use non-authenticated encryption, it makes A128CBC mandatory to implement as non-authenticated Group Encryption Algorithm.
It clarifies that the HKDF Algorithm must be an HMAC-based HKDF.